<0 / 1>
The mp_autokick was created to allow admins to disable and enable automatic kick for AFK players and those who inflict excessive team damage.
0 / 1
By default, this command is set to “1”, which is “true”. However, if you want to turn it off, simply set it to “0”.
Find additional information relating to this command below.
sv_cheats Required
Client or Server Command

mp_autokick Command Help & Examples – Full Guide

If you want to turn off the autokick function in CS:GO and CS2, you need to use the mp_autokick command. Especially designed to turn on and off this mechanism in the game, we are going to show you how to use this command by bringing you a step-by-step tutorial and examples on how to implement it.

We will also bring the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the AFK command CSGO, so you can learn all about it to start using it now.

Definition of the mp_autokick Command: Review & Analysis

The mp_autokick was created to allow admins to disable and enable automatic kick for AFK players and those who inflict excessive team damage. As such, it accepts two arguments to execute the corresponding functions: 1 and 0. Using 1 sets the function to “true”, hence enabling AFK kick, while setting it to “0” will disable this function.

In this section, we will dive deep into the details of this command, so you can learn all about it and you can use it properly.

What is the Default Value of the mp_autokick Command?

By default, this command is set to “1”, which is “true”. Therefore, all AFK/idle players, and those who inflict excessive team damage, will be kicked automatically from the match. Therefore, if you wish to activate it, you don’t have to do anything because it’s already enabled. 

However, if you want to turn it off, simply set it to “0” and this function will be disabled. Automatically, regardless of how much team damage players inflict, or for how long they remain idle, they will not be kicked from the game automatically.

What is the Purpose of the mp_autokick Command?

The automatic kick for idle players and those who inflict excessive team damage was introduced as a measure to counteract AFK and toxic players who can ruin the gameplay experience for the rest of players. Because it’s annoying to have someone in your team constantly shooting at you for no reason.

Especially when playing without Prime status, players might find themselves dealing with other players who deliberately hurt their teammates, or simply join and then go AFK. It’s a big problem on MM servers, and hence why this function was introduced and set to enabled by default.

Nonetheless, because not all matches are the same, for example if you’re playing with friends, especially those who are new to the game and might inflict too much team damage, it’s possible to turn it off. This is why the mp_autokick command was created, to bring players the power to turn it off and on at will.

What is the Scope of the mp_autokick Command?

The scope of the mp_autokick command is to simply turn off or turn off the autokick function. It’s not possible to use this command to modify specific features of the autokick function such as what percentage of damage that will lead to a kick, or how much idle time will lead to the player being expelled from the match.

Furthermore, turning off the autokick function using this command won’t affect other functions such as the vote kick, or the possibility to kick specific players from the match.

About the CS:GO and CS2 Compatibility

The mp_autokick command was originally created for CS:GO, and it was carried on to CS2. Therefore, it is possible to use it in CS2 if you have admin rights, allowing you to enable or disable automatic kick for idle players and those who continuously damage their teammates.

Inputting the mp_autokick Command via Console

Using the mp_autokick is pretty simple because it only uses two values: 1 and 0, which work for true and false respectively. Here is how you can input it via console easily:

  • Click the key “~” to launch the developer console
  • Input the command mp_autokick with the corresponding argument (0 or 1)
  • Press enter
  • The command will run the argument immediately


Evidently, if you want to turn off the autokick function, you need to use “0” as the argument, and if you want to kick idle players automatically, you need to set the AFK command CSGO to “1”.

As per the standard configuration of CS:GO/CS2, the mp_autokick is set to “1” by default, meaning all idle players will be kicked from the match. Therefore, if you wish to keep this function active, you don’t need to do anything else.

On the other hand, if you wish to turn it off, you need to set the AFK command CSGO to false, which implies using “0” as the argument. Automatically, it will disable this function.

Examples on How to Use the mp_autokick Command

The following table will share with you examples on how to use the mp_autokick command in CS:GO and CS2.

Argument Command + Argument Function
0 mp_autokick 0 Disables automatic kick for idle (AFK) players and those who inflict excessive team damage repeatedly
1 mp_autokick 1 Activates automatic kick for team damage and AFK players (default value)

As you can see, it’s very easy to use the command in CS:GO and CS2. Keep in mind that it’s been configured to only accept “1” and “0” as valid arguments. Hence using another type of argument such as “3” or any other numeric value won’t work, and hence the command won’t execute.


If you would like to learn more about the AFK command in CS:GO and CS2, below you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the mp_autokick command.

Can I use the mp_autokick command to disable kick in CS:GO?

Yes, you can use mp_autokick to disable AFK kick or kick for team damage in CS:GO. However, it won’t disable vote kick or the admin from kicking a player from the match. This is why it’s known as the AFK kick command in CS:GO.

Is the mp_autokick command still working in CS2?

Yes, the mp_autokick command is working without restrictions in CS:GO and CS2. Since it’s compatible with the newest version of the game, you can use it for activating or deactivating AFK and team damage kick.

Do I need admin rights to execute the mp_autokick command?

Yes, you need admin rights to execute the mp_autokick command. As it’s going to alter the standard configuration of the game, only the admin or host can input this command via console, as it’s going to affect all players in the match.

Do I need to use sv_cheats to input the mp_autokick command?

No, you don’t need to set sv_cheats to “1” to input the mp_autokick command. As long as you have admin rights, you can use the command without restrictions to enable or disable automatic kick for AFK players or those who inflict too much team damage.

How can I turn on automatic kick after turning it off?

You can turn on automatic kick by setting the mp_autokick command back to default, which only requires you to input the following command via console: mp_autokick 1. Press Enter and it will work instantly, and hence all AFK players and those who inflict team damage repeatedly will be kicked from the match automatically.