A Guide to Overcoming CS:GO Addiction (CS2): Advice on How to Break It

Do you find yourself spending lots of hours every day playing CS:GO? Have you noticed your lifestyle quality has declined severely due to spending too much time on CS2? Then, chances are you’re dealing with a CS:GO addiction.

Fortunately, you’ve arrived at the right place, because we have created a guide that will share with you the advice and information you need to address, overcome and break this addiction.

We invite you to read it completely, so you can start fighting back this video game addiction.


Understanding CS:GO Addiction

Addiction to CS:GO is real, because thousands of people struggle with it, be it in the form of playing the game, opening cases or CS:GO gambling. This is why we, CSGOLuck, consider it important to talk about this sensitive topic, because you should only play responsibly, without letting it affect other areas of your life.


When it comes to the addiction of playing CS:GO addiction, we can catalog it as a variant of video game addiction (VGA), which according to Wikipedia is defined as follows:


“… Video game addiction (VGA), also known as gaming disorder or internet gaming disorder, is generally defined as a psychological addiction that is problematic, compulsive use of video games that results in significant impairment to an individual’s ability to function in various life domains over a prolonged period of time”


It’s easy to see an addiction to playing CS:GO shares the same features:


  • Players can play CS:GO compulsively
  • Paying CS:GO can become problematic and start affecting other aspects of your life
  • Playing CS:GO compulsively can affect your ability to function in several life domains


Therefore, we can define CS:GO addiction as 100% real, and the statistics are scaringly worrying. Because according to the study of the University of Adelaide and the Flinders University (Australia), approximately 60 million people are suffering from a type of gaming disorder, which includes CS:GO addiction.


Furthermore, based on the reviews of CS:GO (CS2), approximately 1.27% of them have labeled the game as “addictive”. Taking all of this into account, it’s easy to see that thousands of CS:GO players are struggling with an addiction to playing the game.


It’s also important to mention that the World Health Organization recognized video game addiction (VGA) as a real mental health disorder in 2018. Therefore, it’s a problem that can affect your life in several areas, and this is why we created this guide, to help you overcome and break it. 



Why Is CS:GO So Addictive?

Simply put, CS:GO is so addictive, and thousands of reviews have defined it like that, because this game massively raises the dopamine levels, which is known as the “happy hormone” because it makes you feel satisfied, motivated and full of energy. 


And this hormone plays a key role in the rewards system of your brain, so every time you experience something exciting, such as winning a match in CS:GO or dropping a pretty valuable skin from case opening, you’ll get a massive dopamine rush.


CS:GO has been designed to keep you hooked and immersed, and this is why it’s one of the most popular video games ever with nearly 1 million concurrent players. Winning matches, killing other players, leveling up your account, opening cases to win exclusive skins, competing against your friends and on a global scale, and many other features make CS:GO a highly entertaining game, which rewards players with dopamine hits frequently and easily.


CS:GO offers quick dopamine hits, giving players instant gratification that’s not found in the real world. This makes it easy for gamers to spend hours playing without realizing it, as the constant dopamine rewards can change how the brain works, leading to an addiction because it feels good to keep playing. And this creates a constant loop of dependence, making affected players to spend less time, resources and energy on activities they previously enjoyed, so they can use it for playing Counter-Strike.


All in all, CS:GO can be highly addictive because it’s a source of instant gratification, and some players can be negatively affected by it, because it will hijack their brain’s rewards system, making them attached to the game, to the point of becoming addicted to it.


The same goes for the other types of CS:GO addiction: case opening and CS:GO gambling. Because both of them deliver instant hits of dopamine, it’s easy for some players to become addicted, because it feels good to play without making any real effort. 


In the next section, we’ll dive deep into the different types of CS:GO addiction.


Types of CS:GO Addiction

We consider it necessary to define the different types of CS2 addictions, because some users are addicted to playing the game, whereas others are addicted to specific features of the CS ecosystem such as case opening. 

Addiction to Playing CS:GO

As the title easily tells, this refers to gamers addicted to playing CS:GO. As we have seen, this game has plenty of highly addictive features because they deliver instant hits of dopamine that make players feel good right off the bat. It affects players who like playing different CS:GO game modes such as Casual, Competitive, Deathmatch, amongst others.

Addiction to Opening CS:GO Cases

One of the most popular features in Counter-Strike is opening cases, which contain weapon skins. These skins can be highly valuable and are highly sought after by players, as it’s the case of knife skins priced at $1.5M. 


Because there’s a chance for players to win skins worth thousands of dollars, some people can develop an addiction to opening CS:GO cases, and this is especially dangerous because it involves spending money to buy cases and keys to obtain the skins they want.

Addiction to CS:GO Gambling

We’re a CS:GO casino, and hence we need to speak clearly about the possibility of developing an addiction to CS:GO gambling, which involves wagering your CS:GO skins on games such as Crash, Roulette, Case Battles, Dice and more to win other valuable skins or money. 


Just like people get addicted to online gambling at conventional casinos, it’s also possible to get addicted to CS:GO gambling, because this activity delivers quick and instant dopamine hits that make players feel good. But since you’re wagering money, or items worth real cash, it can be quite dangerous when it’s done compulsively.


This is why we, CSGOLuck, also talk about responsible gambling, because getting addicted to playing CS:GO gambling games can affect your life negatively in many areas, and we only want you to have fun responsibly!


Now that you’re aware of the different types of CS:GO addiction, let’s check the symptoms you might be suffering from it.


Signs of CS:GO (CS2) Addiction

The best way to determine if you suffer from a CS2 addiction is by consulting with a professional. However, the following are the main signs you might be suffering from this type of video game addiction (VGA).

Excessive Playtime

If you find yourself spending more than 1 hour every day playing CS:GO, and you find it very hard or impossible to reduce your play time, it might be a sign you’re developing an addiction to playing this game. If you recognize your play time is in the range of 3-4 hours or more, then it’s a stronger indicator you might be suffering from CS:GO addiction.

Declining Hygiene

If you’ve noticed your hygiene habits have declined since you started playing CS:GO, like not showering daily, skipping teeth brushing, delaying haircuts, or not washing clothes, it could be a sign of addiction to the game. This is a strong indicator, especially if you also spend several hours playing CS2 every day.

Anxiety and Stress

If you feel anxious and stressed every time you lose, or when things don’t go the way you planned, for example if you win a cheap skin after opening an expensive case or lose a round of CS:GO gambling, you might be developing or already suffering from a CS2 addiction.


Also, if you feel anxious when you are not playing CS:GO, and you find yourself unable to control such a feeling, in addition to irritability and sadness, chances are you’re dealing with an addiction to playing this game.

Escaping from Reality

Playing CS:GO can be a way to escape reality, just like other forms of escapism. If you find yourself playing to avoid real-life problems and this happens often, it could be a sign of addiction. The constant dopamine boosts from the game can make you feel good, providing temporary relief from real-life issues, which might indicate you’re struggling with a gaming addiction.

Compulsively Spending Money on CS:GO

If you find yourself compulsively spending money on CS:GO, whether it’s buying cases, skins, or gambling without concern, it could be a sign of addiction. This is especially true if you’re using money you can’t afford to lose, like rent or food money. If this is happening, it’s a strong indicator that you may need to seek professional help.

Guilt and Shame

If you feel guilty or ashamed after playing CS:GO or gambling on case openings and other game modes, it could be a sign of addiction. Because deeply you understand you’re harming yourself, and this emotional response is a sign you’re dealing with a real problem.

No Energy or Drive

If you feel lethargic, have brain fog, lack drive, focus, and energy because playing CS:GO leaves you drained after spending all your free time on it, it’s a clear sign you might be dealing with an addiction to the game.


Advice on How to Overcome and Break a CS:GO Addiction

It is 100% possible to overcome and break a CS:GO addiction, regardless of its type. And here you will find the advice you need to accomplish it.

Identify Your Type of CS:GO Addiction

The first step is to identify your type of CS:GO addiction, and in case you’re dealing with different kinds of addiction to CS:GO at once, it’s critical to be honest with yourself about your situation, and you should consider disclosing it with a loved and trusted one. 

Consciously Be Aware of Your CS2 Addiction

Next, it’s important to become aware of your CS2 addiction and forgive yourself. Remember, no one is perfect, and we all make mistakes. There’s no reason to stop yourself from forgiving, learning from the past, and striving to do better. You deserve to be the best version of yourself, and it starts by recognizing your addiction to CS:GO so you can overcome it.


By forgiving yourself, you’ll bring yourself the permission to start over, in a future where you’re free from the chains of CS:GO addiction.

Start Limiting Time for All Things CS:GO

It’s key to limit the time you spend on all things CS:GO, and it includes playing the game, reading about it, participating in the community, watching matches, opening cases and spending money/skins on CS:GO gambling game modes. 


If you need to deinstall CS:GO, go ahead and do it. Limit your exposure as much as possible, and it also includes limiting content that promotes CS:GO and its features as well, such as YouTube channels, Twitch streamers, Discord channels, etc. 


If you struggle with this step, we recommend you to disclose it with a loved and trusted one, so he/she can help you to limit your exposure to CS:GO.

Integrate New Activities and Reset Your Brain’s Dopamine Balance

Since you’ll be limiting your exposure to CS:GO, and we recommend you to go cold turkey if possible, you need to use this free time for new activities, and we advise you to take this as an opportunity to reset your brain’s dopamine balance. 


Because as we have seen, the main reason why CS:GO is addictive is because it’s an instant source of easy dopamine, and chances are it has changed your brain’s structure, but it’s something that can be fixed.


You can fix it by integrating the following activities in your life:


  • Exercise
  • Reading
  • Meditation
  • Engaging in hobbies and new activities
  • Sleeping 7-8 hours a day
  • Nurturing yourself with nutritious food


In the end, building a balanced and healthy lifestyle is key. This helps reset your brain’s reward system by earning dopamine through real effort, like lifting weights, learning a new language, or completing a challenging task. If you implement this, you will overcome and break your CS:GO addiction once for all.


Consider Seeking Professional Help

Our guide provides you with a proper overview on what CS:GO addiction is and what factors cause it, as well as a list of symptoms and measures you can take to overcome it. However, we recommend you to seek professional help, especially if you’re dealing with different types of CS:GO addiction and you have noticed a tremendous decline in your lifestyle quality.