Best CS2 Console Commands For FPS

Counter-Strike requires absolute precision, so it’s important to have all the tools you need to aim properly. This is why it is vital for players to optimize their game and get the maximum amount of performance and FPS. In this article, we’ll go over the best CS2 console commands that will give you a performance boost.

How to open the CS2 console

This first section of the article will guide you through opening the game’s developer console, as it is required to input the CS2 console settings discussed in the next part. If you’re familiar with the console already, you can quickly skip this part.


Here is a step-by-step guide to enabling your CS2 console.


  1. Launch Counter-Strike 2.
  2. Then, head over to your Settings menu by clicking on the gear icon on the top-left corner of the main menu.
  3. Go to the “Game” settings.
  4. The first setting you should see is “Enable Developer Console,” where you should change the option to “Yes”.
  5. Now, you can click the “~” button, which is next to “1” and below “Esc” to open the console.


The first time pressing the key will open the console, and you can hit it again to close it. Alternatively, you can also change the keybind through the settings menu, too.


Best CS2 commands for FPS

Now, let’s go over a list of the best CS2 console commands for FPS.

cl_showfps 1

This first command doesn’t necessarily improve your game’s performance, but instead, is simply used to display an FPS counter on your screen. You can see how many frames you are getting at all times, and this counter will appear on the corner of your screen. This command will help you benchmark your settings with the rest of the console commands listed below.

fps_max 0

The fps_max 0 command is used to set a limit to how many FPS your computer is able to get. In this case, we have set the value to 0, which essentially removes the FPS cap from your computer, allowing you to get the maximum number of frames possible. However, some players prefer turning this off to avoid significant FPS drops. You can adjust the value by changing the number at the end of the command.

cl_autohelp false

If you are new to the game, Counter-Strike will prompt hints to direct you to the right direction. They will add pop up messages such as telling you to go to a bomb site, or telling you to defuse the bomb. Though it may be helpful for new players, it takes a toll on performance since stuff will be covering your screen. This command will turn it off, which is fine if you already know how to play the game.

cl_hide_avatar_images 1

Steam has started selling animated profile pictures on the Steam Points Shop, which is why you might see many players with GIFs and moving profile pictures. These animated pictures will cause your computers to lag and are very unnecessary. So, you can use this command to hide the avatars of all players in the game.

cl_interp 0.015625

This command is a little hard to explain, so bear with us. To simplify, interpolation affects the choppiness of the game as it has something to do with transferring packets. Within the Counter-Strike community, technical minds have recommended players to use 0.015625 as its value, since it is the sweet spot.

cl_crosshair_friendly_warning 0

When you aim your crosshair at a teammate, the game will display a friendly warning telling you not to shoot at them. Everyone knows not to shoot at their teammates, so this feature can be quite annoying. This command removes the warning entirely, and also gives you a slight FPS boost since there will be less things on your screen.

cl_disable_ragdolls true

Ragdolls are a feature in CS2 that makes the game more realistic. Specifically, we’re talking about dead bodies making slight movements to give you a little scare. We can agree that this is pretty useless, so it’s better to turn it off, especially when you’ll experience a little boost in FPS after using this command.

demo_flush 0

The demo_flush command is more of a technical one. It is used to stop background processes of your Counter-Strike 2 game, which means you’ll see a significant boost in FPS when applying this command. However, performance increases only works for some players, so don’t be too surprised if you don’t see much of an improvement.

fog_enable_water_fog 0

The Counter-Strike 2 update came with a bunch of visual updates, which is cool, but makes low-end PC owners shed tears. This command is used to disable fog particles on certain CS2 maps. Removing fog does not only make your screen more visible, but will also boost your performance in-game.

r_csgo_water_effects false

Similar to fog, another massive visual upgrade from Counter-Strike Global Offensive to Counter-Strike 2 is the newly detailed water graphics on maps such as Ancient and Anubis. When players step on water, there will be movement and splashes from it. Though this is really sick stuff, your FPS takes a massive hit and it should be turned off if you’re on a low-end computer.

r_drawparticles 0

As the name of the command hints, the r_drawparticles 0 command is used to turn off particle effects from the game entirely. Like most other games, CS2 has small particles that give more detail, and is not necessarily required. Turning particles off should give you a very nice boost of performance.

r_drawtracers 0

Counter-Strike 2 also provides players with details of weapon tracers to make the game look more realistic. These are purely for visual purposes only, and does not give players a disadvantage if the command is turned off. So, it is highly recommended to use this command for better FPS.

r_drawtracers_firstperson 0

This is a follow-up command to the previous one, except it is more focused on the first-person point of view. These details include lighting sparks when a player shoots their rifle. Not only do these sparks distract you momentarily, but they also cause FPS drops. Therefore, we also recommend using this command.

r_muzzleflashbrightness 0

This muzzle command is a follow-up to the two previous commands. These details create flashing lights when players shoot their guns, especially with weapons such as the AK-47 or M4A1-S. These flashes can be very distracting, and also result in slight FPS drops. So, we’ll turn it off using this command.

func_break_max_pieces 0

A little similar to particles, this command deals with small details and objects on Counter-Strike 2. These details are barely visible, which gives you more reason to disable them. Using this command will clear all of these tiny units, likely resulting in a small FPS boost.


The vprof command was newly introduced along with the Counter-Strike 2 update, and it stands for “Visual Profiling”. It essentially gathers data for Valve to make improvements on their game or something along those lines, and is not necessary for your own personal gameplay. Using this command will turn visual profiling off and could lead to better FPS performance.


The iv command is a little related to the vprof one. Iv stands for “Interpolation Variable Profiler,” which serves a similar purpose as the visual profiler. Turning it off is a good idea, since it won’t provide you with an in-game disadvantage and should give you some more FPS to play with.