Best CS:GO Glitches That Will Help You Win

With the enormous popularity of CS: GO and an increasing number of players playing the game online competitively, bugs and glitches are more likely to be discovered. Many players and content creators have concentrated on finding those situations in the game and using them to win and climb the rankings.

What is a Glitch?

What is a Glitch?

Video game glitches are flaws in the game’s code that can cause issues like unrealistic visuals, sounds, and broken mechanics. They are mostly related to graphics, audio, text, and distorted physics and can occur due to many factors, including coding errors and hardware limitations. Glitches can be solved with proper testing and debugging processes.

Players can use them to gain an edge and find ways to win or gain a competitive advantage.


Types of Glitches in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

CS: GO is a game with numerous glitches and good players have learned to use that in their favor. There are several areas that those hiccups are linked to:


Character movement.  Players use multiple commands at once to exploit some of the moving glitches in CS:GO. Doing that helps them to move faster, move silently, jump longer, or climb ladders faster. 

Map-specific glitches. Several glitches are map-specific, meaning that on certain maps, players can get stuck in a wall, resulting in being able to see the whole map, while being invisible to the opponents. 

Bomb glitches. There are many glitches in CS:GO connected to the way bombs work. For example, a smoke grenade can be used to work only the opposition’s way, or Molotov can travel for a lot farther than it is supposed to, by exploiting the skyboxes. 

Spawn errors. Some glitches can spawn a player with the opposition team.

Safe falling. In maps involving wet surfaces, players can fall on them from big heights without losing health. 

Skywalking. With the help of one or more teammates, players can reach a height where they can walk on a skybox. 

Sound glitches. For example, this can occur when a smoke bomb is stuck, making loud noises that impact the game. 


Best CS:GO Glitches of All Time to Use in Your Favor

A lot of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive glitches have appeared over the game’s years-long history. Some of them have been resolved by the developers, and others are commonly used as skills and game features. In continuation of this article, you can see some of the most common in-game glitches that can enhance your performance as a player and give you a competitive advantage. 

The Bunnyhop Glitch

The bunnyhop movement has become so common in Counter-Strike, that we almost forget it is a glitch. It happens when players press the jump button continuously, which is usually the mouse scroll up or down for the good players. They also turn mid-air, and it allows them to move faster than the common walk. Doing multiple turns mid-air can increase the speed even more. 

The Strafe Glitch

Running straight can get players to a velocity of 250 units per second, while strafing can get you to 276. It is needless to say, good players know how to exploit this glitch. It can be done by holding the left or right moving key at the same time as the forward moving key, while also slightly adjusting the mouse. 

The Long Jump Glitch

The long jump is also a feature that the good players always use. This can be achieved with a lot of training, but also there are some other principles that players need to follow. Long jumps are achieved with strafe before the jump, releasing the forward moving key at the right time, and strafing a few more times during the jump. This, followed by a crouch at the end, will make you jump longer in CS: GO. 

Open the Door on the Inside Glitch

This requires two teammates to accomplish. One needs to duck in the corner of the door, and the other needs to climb on top of him and open the door. Doing so will cause the door to open on the side of the player doing it, which is not supposed to happen. 

The Fast Ladder Climb Glitch

Most players go up the ladders straight and they do it with a certain speed. However, being able to climb the ladder faster can be crucial in CS: GO. Players can achieve higher speed when climbing by finding a certain angle on the right or the left of the ladder, and alongside the forward running key, they also press the key on the side of the ladder. This can be done on both sides and it causes a little hop at the end of it. The speed can be even higher if the player jumps at the beginning just as they get to the ladder. 


The Sniper Non-Scope Glitch

The SSG 08 is the deadliest weapon in the game. It takes a lot of patience and training to be good with it, which is why many players specialize in using it. That being said, imagine using the sniper and being able to shoot precisely without a scope. People desperate to cheat do this by drawing a dot on their screen, or using some software. However, you can do this with the console glitch the game has built-in. Open the console, type something there, and use the mouse to move it in place of the scope. It is likely to stay there once you close the console. 

The Long-Range Molotov Glitch

This glitch has something to do with skyboxes. It is not allowed for the bomb to explode on a skybox, and it also does not explode in the air when there is a surface within a certain distance below it. The long-range Molotov happens when there is a surface within the needed distance below the bomb, but that surface is a skybox, making the bomb reflect off it, thus increasing the distance. 

Smoke+ Molotov Glitch

Players usually throw smoke grenades between them and the opponent to gain a tactical advantage so the opponent cannot see them. However, CS:GO has a feature that changes that.  When there is a smoke grenade between the opponent and our character, and we throw a Molotov, as long as it explodes behind the enemy, we can see its silhouette in the smoke grenade. This means that throwing a Molotov in the smoke can be very useful, we can either cause damage to our opponent, or it can make us see him in the smoke. 

Invisible Platform Glitch

Many maps have places where players can use the crouch+ jump technique and hold the button to move forward, but they get stuck on the wall without any platform to stand on. Developers have been working on this and solving the glitch, but we can still find some places where we can exploit this. 



Things like bunnyhops, long jumps, and fast ladder climbs are commonly accepted glitches that you need to understand and do well if you want to stay competitive. All good players use them to their advantage, and there even are servers that help you train these kinds of moves in CS:GO. 

However, many people try to find new ways to win, exploiting the unrealistic Counter-Strike: Global Offensive glitches and features, and there is nothing other players can do about it. Some of the ‘purists’ lose interest in the game due to this situation, others just keep on playing and eventually convert into this type of player. CS:GO is meant to be fun, and everyone finds their own fun in it. However, the game should never entirely become a glitch-using competition, as this may undermine the efforts of talented shooters who have spent years honing their skills. When players get to the point of relying heavily on developers’ mistakes instead of becoming better shooters or advancing their tactics, it compromises the competitive integrity of the game.