Ancient Callouts

Ancient is one of the newer maps to be rotated into Counter-Strike’s Active Duty Map pool, which includes it in Premier Mode and one of the seven maps in the professional scene. Now that players are forced to pick and ban maps in the most prominent ranked mode, you should at least learn the very basics of Ancient by understanding its callouts in case it ends up as the leftover map.
This map and the callouts are the same (or very similar) in both CS2 and CS:GO.
Ancient Callouts
  • 1
    T-Spawn: This is the area where the Terrorist squad will begin. Terrorists can turn to Tunnel to go to the B Site, or Split to go to the A Site.
  • 2
    Tunnel: This is the connecting pathway from T-Spawn to Water, which is headed towards the B Site.
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    Water: Going past the Tunnel will lead you to Water, which is a link to Outside B.
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    Outside B: As the name suggests, this is the area outside of B Site, behind Doors. Terrorists can set up grenades in this safe area.
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    Doors: A set of double doors that connects Outside B to Lane.
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    T Lane: This is the huge area outside of the B Site that Terrorists have easy access to. It is a key area that links Terrorists to Ramp and Lamp Roon.
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    Ramp: The ramp outside B that allows Terrorists to have direct access into the B Site. Often contested with molotovs and smoke grenades.
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    Lamp Room: Going up Lane will lead you to the Lamp Room, which is a dim area lit up with lamps. It is a very important entry point that must be defended by Counter-Terrorists.
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    Cave: The continuation of Lamp Room. A very contested area that is separated from the B Site by a wooden wall. Players can wall-bang to cancel a plant or defuse it in the default position.
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    B Site: The general area of the B Site and a location where Terrorists can plant the bomb.
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    Pillar: A massive pillar in the middle of the B Site that provides Terrorists with ample cover to plant the bomb. Often used by Counter-Terrorists to provide cover from the Ramp.
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    Stairs: A little corner at the back of the B Site, often used by Counter-Terrorists as it provides good cover. The perfect spot to throw a molotov at.
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    Square: A giant square that separates the B Site from the Back Halls. Allows Counter-Terrorists to enter the B Site through two pathways.
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    Back Halls: The entire area behind Square. It is a wide space that allows Counter-Terrorists to reposition themselves with lots of cover.
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    Alley: This is a straight area that connects Back Halls to CT-Spawn. There is a large box that provides some cover.
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    CT-Spawn: The general area where the Counter-Terrorist team spawns. Counter-Terrorists can move towards Alley to go B, House to go Mid, and CT Lane or Temple to go A.
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    House: A highly contested area that essentially allows Counter-Terrorists to go Mid. However, Terrorists gain a lot of map control if they take over this area since it is linked to CT-Spawn.
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    Cubby: A small cubby area in Mid. It is very common for Terrorists to throw a molotov here.
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    Mid: The general middle area where Counter-Terrorists and Terrorists fight for control. Professional teams put heavy emphasis on this area, throwing grenades around the area at the start of every round.
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    Elbow: A tight alleyway that links Mid to T-Spawn. Counter-Terrorists throw early-round incendiary grenades at this spot to prevent Terrorists from rushing into Mid.
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    Tunnels: Connects Mid to A, and is sometimes referred to as “A Short.”
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    Donut: A large pillar exists inside Tunnels, and can be a very tricky position to clear. Counter-Terrorists love hiding there, so bringing a molotov to flush them out is ideal.
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    Temple: One of the connections from CT-Spawn to the A Site. Usually held by AWPers to watch incoming Terrorists from A Main.
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    A Site: The general area of the A Bombsite. There are line details on the floor that indicate where the bomb can be planted within the site. Terrorists can plant for A Main, Tunnel, CT-Spawn, or out in the open.
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    Triple: Three boxes in the A Site that provides players with a lot of cover. There is a headshot angle behind one of the three boxes, and is a popular position to hold from as a Counter-Terrorists.
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    Single: A very narrow box that offers Counter-Terrorists cover at the very back of A Site. Often a “surprise” angle that can be devastating if unchecked.
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    Big Box: A big box next to the A Site which provides Counter-Terrorists with a lot of cover. Throwing a molotov to clear it out is highly recommended.
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    Boost: Directly next to A Main. Players can boost teammates on top to surprise enemy players. Very useful for Counter-Terrorists to hold A Main, and amazing for Terrorists in post-plant situations.
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    A Main: Also known as A Long. One of the primary entrances to the A Site for the Terrorist side. A Main is separated into two parts, so check both sides before entering the site!
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    Yard: The entire area outside A Main towards T-Spawn and Elbow. A great spot for Terrorists to regroup and throw smoke grenades for an A execute.

The Aztec-based map isn’t the most popular choice between its peers, as it is not a very beginner-friendly map due to confusing pathways and tight chokepoints. However, it can be an incredibly fun map after giving it a few spins. Many professional teams have made it their go-to map pick as well.

Like every map, some players might use other words as callouts for a specific angle. For example, North American professional players tend to call Lamp Room “Cheetah.” Don’t be too surprised if your teammate is calling a callout another name, and just relax to think what the correlation would be between the area and its name.

In this article, we’ll run you through all the callouts you need to know on Ancient so you don’t look like a lost person in ranked.