Cobblestone Callouts

Even though it’s out from MM and the Competitive pool, Cobblestone is a classic map thousands of players still love, and for all of those fans, we have created this guide, where we will share a full list of all the available Cobblestone callouts.
This map and the callouts are the same (or very similar) in both CS2 and CS:GO.
Cobblestone Callouts
  • 1
    T Spawn: Where Terrorists spawn, sometimes referred to as "T Back".
  • 2
    T Ramp: Grassy area outside "Mid", near T Spawn.
  • 3
    Statue: Between T Spawn and T Mid, a key landmark.
  • 4
    Snake: Winding halls leading to "D Lore Art".
  • 5
    Patio: Area between "T Ramp" and "D Lore", also known as "Dragon Lore".
  • 6
    A Site: Bomb plant area at A, alternatively called "A Bomb".
  • 7
    Connector: Link between A and B sites, includes "Window" and leads to "Vent Room". Also houses "Flowers".
  • 8
    Vent Room: Adjacent to A Site, with a vent leading to "Balcony" or "Connector".
  • 9
    Balcony: Overlooks A Site, near "Stables".
  • 10
    Stables: Wooden structure from "A Long" to A Site.
  • 11
    CT Ramp: Leads from "Mid" to A Site.
  • 12
    Cubby: A recess at the end of "A Long", near A Site.
  • 13
    B Site: Bomb plant area at B, also known as "B Bomb".
  • 14
    Drop: Room leading into B Site; "Drop Room" also refers to the preceding area.
  • 15
    Electric: Room leading to B Site, identifiable by an electric box.
  • 16
    B Short: Pathway between "Electric" and "Broken Wall".
  • 17
    Boost: Raised flowerbed on B Site, requiring a player boost.
  • 18
    B Long: Main Terrorist passage to B Site, also known as "Long B".
  • 19
    B Platform: Circular area at end of "B Long", opposite "Chicken Coop"
  • 20
    Chicken: Small structure on B Site, also called "Chicken Coop".
  • 21
    Fountain: Central structure on B Site, around which the bomb can be planted.
  • 22
    Rock: A common defense spot by "Electric".
  • 23
    B Doors: Connects B Site to "Connector".
  • 24
    Broken Wall: Part of B Long/Platform that can be jumped over to access B Site.
  • 25
    Connector: Link between A and B sites, includes "Window" and leads to "Vent Room". Also houses "Flowers".
  • 26
    Window: Looks into "Drop" from "Connector".
  • 27
    Upper Halls: Upper part of B Halls, called "Upper Tunnels".
  • 28
    Lower Halls: Lower B Halls, close to "Drop" and "B Long", referred to as "Lower Tunnels".
  • 29
    Mid: Large room connecting "CT Ramp", "Danger", and "T Ramp".
  • 30
    CT Spawn: Where Counter-Terrorists spawn.
  • 31
    Catwalk: Passage from "T Ramp" to "A Long".
  • 32
    Sky: Area above "Drop" accessed from a raised platform.

It is quite a fun map to play at, despite its flaws such as practically all the action focusing on the B Side, leaving both Ts and CTs with limited opportunities for running strategies, hence why it was deleted from the Competitive pool.

Nonetheless, you’re here because you want to learn the callouts to become a skilled Cobblestone player, so here you have the full list of call outs for this mythical bomb defuse map.