Overpass Callouts

Overpass is a map in CS2 that is usually played in both competitive and casual matchmaking, given its status as a popular choice. One key feature is its size - it's among the largest competitively played maps. The other is the elevation difference between the Terrorist (T) and Counter-Terrorist (CT) sides. The CT side spawns high above, right on the A Site. The only connections are distinct staircases and walkways, creating a complex map with many strategic options.
This map and the callouts are the same (or very similar) in both CS2 and CS:GO.
Overpass Callouts
  • 1
    A Site: The section of the A bombsite where the bomb can be put. 
  • 2
    B Site: The location of the B bombsite. Those who are directly on the wooden platform where the bomb could be positioned are mentioned in this call.
  • 3
    T Spawn: The location at the bottom of the map where the terrorists appear.
  • 4
    A Long: The extended park area connecting the Mid/Fountain area to the A bomb site.
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    Upper Tunnels: The section of tunnels that runs from the Mid area outside of A to T Spawn. These link to the Lower Tunnels that proceed to Connector.
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    Lower Tunnels: The tunnels that connect the Upper Tunnels to the Connector—which may be reached by descending a ladder—are referred to by this name.
  • 7
    Lower Tunnels Connector: This is the Connector on the A side of the map that goes up to the outside restroom area from the Lower Tunnels.
  • 8
    Party: The platform that has picnic benches and balloons, which is located next to the Toilets.
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    Mid: This is the space next to the restrooms, party, and connector's exit, which leads from the fountain to the restrooms.
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    Fountain: The area around the Fountain, which is shown on the A side of the map immediately before Mid.
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    Playground: The gated Playground area is situated behind Fountain and just across from the Upper Tunnels' exit when traveling from T Spawn to A.
  • 12
    Rock: Situated on A Long, this rock provides the first possible hiding place for an enemy when pushing Long as a T.
  • 13
    Tree: The Tree is located close to the Long Toilets area to the left of A Long. Its purpose is to hide players from opponents that are first checking Long from the Playground side. Bullets can pass through the Tree.
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    Long Toilets: The section of Toilets extending onto A Long.
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    Long Boost: The flowerbed that can be jumped from the bench next to it with skill, or it can be boosted up onto. It can surprise CT players and offers clear vision onto the A Site. 
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    Close Left (Long): The corner next to A Long's exit onto the A Site.
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    Van: As the name suggests, it is a van. Found right in front of Bank.
  • 18
    Bank: The Bank is the location of the Bank at the back of the A bombsite. It has an exit that provides a view of a large portion of the A bombsite and is situated next to a dumpster and van, which provides cover.
  • 19
    Default (A): The standard planting location on the A Bomb site is located across from the site entrance from Mid, between the two green boxes.
  • 20
    Optimus: When approaching from Mid or A Long, the vehicle will be on the rightmost side of the A Site. Named such as a reference to Transformers’ Autobot leader who takes the form of a truck.
  • 21
    Bins: The bins that link Snipers and B to the rear of the A bombsite. You may also hear the call for a dumpster because these come out immediately next to one.
  • 22
    Toilets: The lengthy row of Toilets extending from Mid to the entrance of A.
  • 23
    A Short: This is directly next to the stairs that indicate the entry onto A, which is where Mid transforms into A Short and heads off to the A Site.
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    Flowers: The flowerbed is located to the left of the Toilets as one approaches the A Bombsite, which may be used by players for hiding.
  • 25
    CT: Since this typically doesn't refer to the CT Spawn, which is located on the A Bombsite, it is a distinct call from most maps. This signal typically indicates that players are behind A, in the tunnels that wind between Snipers, Stairs, and Bank, and in the stairs.
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    Monster: The tunnel leading directly into B from T Spawn. There is graffiti of a monster on the pillar next to it.
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    Tracks: The area outside the Monster tunnel that serves as a passageway to the Short Tunnel and the Monster Tunnel.
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    Short Tunnel: The path leading towards Construction/Water.
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    Water: The area of B Site where there is water.
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    Squeaky: The entrance leading into Construction / Water at the end of Connector. The door squeaks when opened or closed, thus giving it the name Squeaky.
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    B Short: The entryway leading from Construction / Water to the B Site. It has a pile of sandbags on it and enters the site directly.
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    Sandbags: The sandbag area on B Short. This is a call you will likely hear frequently because players will typically hide behind them.
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    Sewers: The area accessed when approaching the B Site from Monster.
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    Pillar: The large circular structure situated at the center of the B Site. Also typically interchanged with Monster.
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    Toxic Barrels: A number of barrels beside the B Site that provide a great view of players exiting Monster.
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    Pit: the water-covered, gloomy area behind the B bombsite. If you drop from Heaven into the Site, you will land in the Pit.
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    Heaven: The elevated metal platform offering a comprehensive view of B. Most AWPers tend to fire shots from here.
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    Graffiti: The small corner behind B. From here, players can be boosted to see Construction and Water from a superior angle.
  • 39
    Cafe: The cafe sign is located across from the bench, on the wall opposite the long toilets.
  • 40
    Bench: The bench that is located opposite Cafe.
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    Storage: The room is positioned between the Bank and Stairs near A Site.
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    Bridge: The concrete stretch near B Site connecting Sandbags to the Walkway.
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    Boost: The location where players can boost from Water to overlook B Site.
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    Ladder: The ladder connecting the Upper Tunnels to the Lower Tunnels.
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    Signpost: The signpost near A Site, positioned on the wall spanning between the exits of A Long and A Short.
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    Hitmarker: Hitmarker is situated precisely where A Long begins, at the exact moment when Terrorists expose themselves to A Long for the first time. The reason it is called "Hitmarker" is that AWP users frequently tag players through the nearby wall, giving them heavy damage but not fatalities.

Why Is It Important To Know A Map’s Callouts?

Basically, callouts are standardized shortcuts for map locations, allowing for swift and accurate communication. Callouts create a shared mental map for your team. By knowing places such as  “under balcony” on Dust 2 or “tetris” on Mirage, everyone instantly pictures the same location. This shared understanding eliminates confusion and allows for coordinated plays.

Calling out enemy positions, rotations, and equipment also allows your team to formulate winning strategies. Clear communication fosters trust and cooperation within the team. When teammates understand callouts, they can rely on each other’s information and react cohesively. This eliminates hesitation and missed opportunities, leading to smoother rotations, coordinated attacks, and ultimately, more wins.

At the end of the day, callouts are a community-driven language. While some variations might exist, such as “newbox” on Inferno being called “Stewie” after Jake “Stewie2k” Yip’s famous 14-15 clutch at the Boston Major, focus on learning the most common ones used by your teammates or in the region you play. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification if you’re unsure about a callout.