Can I Get Banned For Playing With A Hacker in CS2?

Maintaining a fair and balanced environment is crucial in the competitive world of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO). One common concern among players is whether they can get banned for queuing with a hacker. This question often arises from the fear of facing consequences for actions outside one's control, especially in a game that relies heavily on teamwork and collaboration. So, a question that must be asked by players is: can you get banned for queuing with a hacker in CS:GO?

Understanding the Ban System

CS:GO employs several anti-cheat measures, primarily VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) and Overwatch. VAC automatically detects cheats and bans users. Overwatch uses community reports and experienced players’ reviews to identify suspicious behavior.


Queuing with Hackers: Direct Consequences

If you unknowingly queue with a hacker, the immediate fear is whether your account could be at risk. The general consensus and official responses indicate that you will not receive a ban solely for playing in a match with a cheater, provided you are not cheating yourself. However, there are several essential consequences to consider:


Match and Rank Impact

If a teammate gets VAC banned, the matches they participated in are void. Any wins you secured with them will be reversed, and your rank may be adjusted accordingly. This process aims to ensure that ranks reflect legitimate gameplay efforts only​.


Trust Factor and Matchmaking

Queuing with known cheaters can negatively impact your Trust Factor. This hidden score affects matchmaking quality. Players with lower Trust Factors may find themselves in games with other low-trust Factor individuals, often encountering more toxic behavior and potential cheaters. This system encourages players to avoid associating with known hackers to maintain a healthier gaming environment​​.


Voluntary Participation vs. Unintentional Encounters

The situation changes if you voluntarily queue with a known hacker repeatedly. In such cases, Valve might view your behavior as complicit. While direct bans for non-cheaters are rare, knowingly benefiting from hacks and ignoring fair play principles can still get you reported by the community, leading to possible Overwatch reviews. Suppose Overwatch investigators determine that you were aware of and benefiting from the hacker’s actions. In that case, you might face penalties, including temporary bans or Trust Factor reductions.


Best Practices to Avoid Unwanted Consequences

  • Report Suspicious Activity: If you suspect a teammate is cheating, report them immediately. This will protect your account and help maintain the integrity of the game.
  • Avoid Suspected Cheaters: If you suspect someone on your friend’s list of cheating, it’s best to avoid queuing with them until they clear any accusations. Regularly playing with cheaters can damage your Trust Factor and overall gaming experience.

Solo Queue or Trusted Friends: Solo queuing or playing with trusted friends reduces the risk of unknowingly teaming up with hackers. This approach ensures a fairer and more enjoyable gaming experience.



While you won’t be directly banned for simply queuing with a hacker in CS:GO, there are significant repercussions to consider. Your rank could be affected, and your Trust Factor might decrease, leading to poorer matchmaking experiences. The best approach is to remain vigilant, report suspicious behavior, and avoid knowingly playing with cheaters to maintain a fair and enjoyable gaming environment.