<64 or 128>
The cl_updaterate command controls the number of packets per second your game client requests from the server
64 or 128
cl_updaterate [Packets per second]
For example, to set the updaterate to 128 packets per second, you would enter:
cl_updaterate 128
It's important to note that you should adjust this setting in the game's main menu, not during an active match​.
Find additional information relating to this command below.
sv_cheats Required
Client or Server Command

cl_updaterate Command Help & Examples

The cl_updaterate command in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is crucial for optimizing your game’s network performance, mainly how frequently your game client receives updates from the server. This command significantly impacts the responsiveness and smoothness of your gameplay experience. Let’s explore the intricacies of the cl_updaterate CS:GO, its usage, and practical examples to help you fine-tune your settings for optimal performance.

What Is cl_updaterate?

The cl_updaterate command controls the number of packets per second your game client requests from the server. In simpler terms, it determines how many times per second your game is updated with information from the server about the current state of the game world, including player positions, actions, and events. By default, this rate is set to 64 packets per second, which aligns with the tickrate of Valve’s matchmaking servers​.

Why Is cl_updaterate Important?

In online gaming, especially in a fast-paced shooter like CS:GO, timely updates from the server are crucial. A higher cl_updaterate means more frequent updates, leading to a more accurate and responsive gaming experience. This is particularly beneficial in competitive settings where milliseconds can determine the outcome of engagements​.

How to Use the cl_updaterate Command

To use the cl_updaterate command, open the CS:GO console. This can be done by pressing the “~” key, provided you have enabled the console in the game settings. Here is the basic syntax for the command:

cl_updaterate [Packets per second]

For example, to set the updaterate to 128 packets per second, you would enter:

cl_updaterate 128

It’s important to note that you should adjust this setting in the game’s main menu, not during an active match​.

Recommended Settings

The optimal cl_updaterate setting depends on the server’s tickrate you are playing on. Valve’s matchmaking servers typically use a 64-tickrate, so the default setting of cl_updaterate 64 is appropriate. However, you are playing on community or competitive servers that use a 128-tickrate. In that case, setting cl_updaterate 128 can provide a smoother and more responsive experience​.

Practical Examples

Valve Matchmaking Servers (64 Tick):

cl_updaterate 64

This setting ensures your game client is synchronized with the server’s tickrate, maintaining a stable and consistent flow of updates.

Community/Competitive Servers (128 Tick):

cl_updaterate 128

For servers running at a higher tickrate, this setting maximizes the number of updates you receive, enhancing the accuracy and responsiveness of the game.

Additional Considerations

  • Consistency with cl_cmdrate: Ensure that your cl_cmdrate (which controls how many times per second your client sends updates to the server) matches your cl_updaterate. For instance, if you set cl_updaterate 128, you should also set cl_cmdrate 128​.
  • Internet Connection: The effectiveness of increasing your cl_updaterate depends on the stability and speed of your internet connection. Higher updaterates demand more bandwidth, leading to packet loss or increased latency on slower connections.
  • Server Constraints: Even if you set a higher cl_updaterate, the server’s tickrate is the limiting factor. For example, on a 64-tick server, setting cl_updaterate 128 won’t provide any benefit since the server only updates 64 times per second.

Optimizing Your Network Settings

For players experiencing high latency or packet loss, adjusting cl_updaterate is just one aspect of network optimization. Other related commands include:

  • rate: Controls the maximum bandwidth used by the game. Recommended setting: rate 786432.
  • cl_interp and cl_interp_ratio: These settings control interpolation, which smoothens gameplay by predicting the position of moving objects. Recommended settings: cl_interp 0 and cl_interp_ratio 1​.

Practical Adjustments Based on Network Conditions

High Latency

If you experience high latency, you might need to lower your cl_updaterate and cl_cmdrate to ensure stability. For instance:

cl_updaterate 64

cl_cmdrate 64

Lower settings reduce the frequency of updates, which can help stabilize your connection by reducing the amount of data being transferred.

Packet Loss

Packet loss can cause stuttering and delayed actions. To mitigate this, ensure your rate is set appropriately and consider slightly increasing cl_interp_ratio:

rate 786432

cl_interp_ratio 2

This setting allows more time for the client to receive and process packets, reducing the visible impact of packet loss​​.

Server-Specific Configurations

Different servers may require specific configurations to optimize your performance. For example, playing on a 128-tick community server:

cl_updaterate 128

cl_cmdrate 128

rate 786432

cl_interp 0

cl_interp_ratio 1

Conversely, when playing on a standard Valve matchmaking server with a 64-tick rate, you would use:

cl_updaterate 64

cl_cmdrate 64

rate 786432

cl_interp 0

cl_interp_ratio 1

These configurations ensure that your client and server are synchronized, providing the best possible gameplay experience based on the server’s capabilities.

Related Commands and Their Impact


The rate command controls the maximum bandwidth your game client can use, specified in bytes per second. This setting is crucial for ensuring your network can handle the data flow required by higher cl_updaterate settings. The recommended setting for most players is:

rate 786432

This value corresponds to approximately 786 KB/s, sufficient for most high-speed internet connections. You may need to adjust this value if your connection is slower.


While cl_updaterate controls the frequency of updates you receive from the server, cl_cmdrate controls the frequency of updates your client sends to the server. For best performance, cl_cmdrate should match the cl_updaterate setting. For example:

cl_cmdrate 128

This setting ensures that your inputs (such as movements and actions) are sent to the server at the same rate as you receive updates, maintaining synchronization and responsiveness​​.

cl_interp and cl_interp_ratio

These commands manage how the game client interpolates between received updates, smoothing out animations and movements to prevent choppiness. The recommended settings are:

cl_interp 0

cl_interp_ratio 1

These settings minimize interpolation delay, making the game feel more responsive. However, suppose you experience jittery movements or packet loss. You may need to adjust these values to find a balance for your specific connection​.


Mastering the cl_updaterate command is a valuable step towards optimizing your CS:GO gameplay. By understanding and correctly applying this command, you can ensure that your game receives updates optimally, matching the server’s tickrate and improving your gaming experience. Whether you are a casual player or a competitive enthusiast, adjusting your cl_updaterate CS:GO to suit the server’s capabilities can significantly affect performance.