When you’re playing CS:GO, sometimes you need to end or restart a round quickly, whether for practicing, trying a specific scenario, or managing a server. The end-round command and the CSGO restart round command are essential tools for performing these actions.
Find additional information relating to this command below.
sv_cheats Required
Client or Server Command

End Round Command & Help Examples

When you’re playing CS:GO, sometimes you need to end or restart a round quickly, whether for practicing, trying a specific scenario, or managing a server. The end-round command and the CSGO restart round command are essential tools for performing these actions.

You need them to develop your skills and grow as a player. For example, if you practice bomb de-fusing, you can restart the round without waiting for the timer to run out. Also, if you are a server admin, you can use these commands to manage games, especially on custom or community servers, where you need to control the rounds manually.

Want to learn more about what these commands are capable of? Read our guide to find out.

What Is the End-Round Command?

Before we delve into how to use it, let’s first understand the end-round command. In CS:GO, you can instantly use this command to conclude the current round. But why? It is helpful in scenarios like practicing strategies, testing new tactics, or speeding up the gameplay.

How to use the End-Round Command

The procedure for almost everything in CS:GO is the same. Ensure that your console is functional by clicking “Yes” in the game setting, where you have to enable it, and you are ready to go. 

Now open the console using the standard tilde key (~) under the “Esc” button and type the following commands:

  • Set the round time to 1 min. for all game modes: mp_roundtime 1
  • Set the round time to 1 min. for bomb defusal maps: mp_roundtime_defuse 1
  • Set the round time to 1 min. for hostage rescue maps: mp_roundtime_hostage 1
  • Restart the game after 1 second: mp_restartgame 1

Use these commands to customize the rounds to suit you best. While the first three commands set the round time for different game modes to 1 minute, only the last command (mp_restartgame 1) is responsible for ending and restarting the current game.

CS:GO Restart Round Command

Before we continue with the blog post, we want you to know that the CSGO restart round command and the end-around command are different. With the second command, you will immediately finish the game. 

Launch CS:GO and type “mp_restartgame 1.” You will restart the game after 1 second, opening a new blank round. Remember that the command will also reset all player positions, money, and equipment, providing a fresh start. It’s perfect if you need a complete reset rather than just ending the round.

Practical Uses of the Restart & the End-Round Commands

The real value of these commands comes from seeing them in action instead of just reading about them. The following examples will help you learn when these commands are most effective:

End-Round Command:

  • Practicing how to defuse the bomb
  • Testing different weapons
  • Sharpening your aim and reflexes

Restart Round Command:

  • Practicing your team strategy
  • Resolve disagreements 
  • Fix anything that goes wrong
  • Test for malfunction and explore the maps

The more often you practice engaging quickly, the more efficient your practice will be. Restarting lets you practice your map strategy, such as making a rush on a bomb site. In this case, all players start with the same resources.

What Benefits You Get From These Commands

Suppose you are practicing a specific strategy or working on your aim in a particular setup. The CSGO restart round command quickly returns you to the exact circumstances without waiting for the round to end naturally. In a nutshell, here’s what you get using both commands:

  • Productivity: With these commands, you can efficiently manage rounds according to your preferences. This is how you can concentrate more on gameplay instead of waiting for rounds to end naturally to start gaming again.
  • Better Practice: You can repeat specific scenarios or situations over and over again to improve your skills and strategies more effectively. It’s like practicing the same move in a game until you get really good at it.
  • Quick Corrections: Restart and end-round allow you to fix what you don’t like quickly. Use their function to correct mistakes instantly as soon as they happen.

These two commands share the characteristics of time management and scenario practice. Incorporating the “restart round” and “end round” commands into your CS:GO routine can make your matches well-organized.

Combine the Commands to Get the Best Effects

By combining both the CSGO restart round command and the end-round command, you can create an optimal practice environment tailored to your needs. You can make a perfect continuous loop of practice rounds with the combinations we gave you in the “How to use the End-Round Command” section.

To wrap up this blog post, we won’t neglect the commands’ downsides. Beware of potential abuse in public servers, and don’t be disruptive or irritating others by overusing the functions for personal reasons. Also, remember that frequent use can disrupt the game’s natural flow if not all players agree on it, often causing frustrations among players.