This command was introduced to allow hosts and admins to decide how much money players should get at the start of each overtime half, allowing them to modify the standard economics of their private matches.
The default value of this command is 10,000, which means players will get $10,000 at the beginning of each overtime half. Hence, the syntax rules of it allow you to increase or decrease this sum of money, by using the corresponding numeric argument.
Find additional information relating to this command below.
sv_cheats Required
Client or Server Command
Default Value

mp_overtime_startmoney Command: Definition and How to Use It

When it comes to customizing the gameplay experience of your private matches, the commands to fine tune the economics of the game come in handy, such as the mp_overtime_startmoney command. Thanks to it, you can decide how much money players will get at the start of each overtime half.

If it’s something you want to accomplish, this guide is for you. We are going to bring a proper definition of this money command CS:GO, the list of requirements to execute it, instructions on how to input it and real-life examples on how to implement it.

Without anything more to add, let’s start!

Definition of the mp_overtime_startmoney Command

This command was introduced to allow hosts and admins to decide how much money players should get at the start of each overtime half, allowing them to modify the standard economics of their private matches.

The default value of this command is 10,000, which means players will get $10,000 at the beginning of each overtime half. Hence, the syntax rules of it allow you to increase or decrease this sum of money, by using the corresponding numeric argument.

mp_overtime_startmoney is available in both CS:GO and CS2, bringing you the power to alter the standard settings of overtime halves regardless of the version of the game you’re playing.

Requirements to Use the Command

Before you can use this command, you need to make sure you meet the necessary requirements to execute it in the game:

  • The developer console must be enabled
  • You must be the host of the match or have admin rights

If you’re not sure how to fulfill these requirements, be our guest. Here you have the instructions, so you can start using this money command CSGO today.

Here’s how you can activate the developer console to input this command:

  1. Launch CS:GO (CS2)
  2. Go to “Settings”
  3. Go to “Game”
  4. Find the option to enable the developer console
  5. Set it to “Yes”

This is all you need to do and you’ll be able to input mp_overtime_startmoney and any other money command you want in CS:GO and CS2.

And when it comes to being the host of the match, or having admin rights, there are only two possible solutions: you must create your own private match, or you must have your own dedicated server. If you want to learn more about this, you can find plenty of articles about this on our blog.

Now that it’s clear what requirements you must meet, and how to fulfill them, let’s check how you can start inputting this command to adjust the start money as you wish.

How to Use the mp_overtime_startmoney Command

Using this command is as easy as counting from 1 to 5 – so here you have the tutorial:

  1. Press  “~” to open the console
  2. Input mp_overtime_startmoney + your preferred value
  3. Press “Enter”
  4. It will adjust the start money for overtime halves instantly

Let’s say you want to set the money at 8,000. All you need to do is to use such value as the argument, resulting in this: mp_overtime_startmoney 8000. Press “Enter” and now all players will have 8,000 money at the beginning of a half.


There’s nothing better to complement your learning experience than checking real-life examples, and here you have them, so you can see how you can implement this command.

Set it to 0 Money

If you want to annihilate the purchasing power of all users at the start of overtime halves, you need to use “0” as the argument, resulting in the following: mp_overtime_startmoney 0. Input it, press “Enter” and all players will get zero money. Nothing. Nada.

Set it to 800 Money

Having just 800 money at the start of an overtime half makes the match a lot more challenging, as you’re limited to just your gun, knife and some grenades. To accomplish this result, you need to use “800” as the argument, resulting in this: mp_overtime_startmoney 800. Input it, press “Enter” and it will work instantly. 

Set it to 2,000 Money

If you have decided that all players should only have 2,000 money, it’s as simple as using this value as the argument and inputting it via console, resulting in this: mp_overtime_startmoney 2000. Just click “Enter” and it will adjust the settings instantly.

Set it to 5,000 Money

This time let’s set the start money at 5,000. All you need to do is to input the following via console: mp_overtime_startmoney 5000. Once you press “Enter”, it will adjust the economics of the game accordingly. 

Set it to 16,000 Money

If you want to increase the start money by 100%, you need to use “16000” as the argument for the command, resulting in this: mp_overtime_startmoney 16000. Press “Enter” and now all players will have two times the purchasing power at the beginning of each overtime half.

Reset the Start Money

If you wish to restore the settings back to default, we need to use the default value as the argument, which is 10,000. So all you need to do is to input “mp_overtime_startmoney 10000” via console and everything will go back to normal.


For extra details about this command, we invite you to check the answers to the most frequently asked questions about it.

How to increase overtime half time money in CS:GO?

If you want to increase overtime half time money in CS:GO and CS2, you need to use a higher value than the default one, which is “10,000”. For example, you can input the following via console and it will increase the overtime half time money to 16,000: mp_overtime_startmoney 16000.

Is mp_overtime_startmoney cheat protected?

No, mp_overtime_startmomey is not cheat protected. You can use it to adjust the economics of the game as long as you’re the host or if you have admin rights.

Is mp_overtime_startmoney available in CS2?

Yes, the mp_overtime_startmoney command is available in CS2. You can use it directly via console if you have admin rights.