the net_graph command allows you to see on screen what’s going on behind the scenes in the game, serving as a useful and effective diagnosis tool for all players.
0 = Default value, disables the net graph display on screen
1 = Enables the net graph display on screen
2 = Enables net graph + network data
3 = Enables net graph + payload data
Find additional information relating to this command below.
sv_cheats Required
Client or Server Command

net_graph Command: How to Use & Examples

If you want to enable the net graph on CS:GO, to get access to exclusive insights about the game such as ping, FPS and VAR, you need to use the net_graph command. Although it can sound pretty technical, it’s fairly easy to use, and in this guide we’re going to guide you by the hand.

You will learn what net_graph is, how it works, what it does, the requirements to run it, how to input it via console and examples on how to implement it in CS:GO.

Without anything more to add, let’s start!

Definition of the net_graph Command

As its name clearly suggests, net_graph is the command in charge of displaying or hiding the net graph on CS:GO, hence it’s also known as netgraph CSGO command. When enabled, it displays the following information:

  • Ping
  • VAR
  • FPS
  • UP
  • TICK
  • CMD
  • SV
  • Interpolation
  • Choke
  • Official DS

And this information is useful for different purposes such as measuring ping, diagnosing FPS loss, analyzing choke, amongst others.

In short, the net_graph command allows you to see on screen what’s going on behind the scenes in the game, serving as a useful and effective diagnosis tool for all players.

The syntax of the command is straightforward: you need to input “net_graph” along with a valid arguments, which include 0, 1, 2, and 3, and each one of them serves a different purpose:

  • 0 = Default value, disables the net graph display on screen
  • 1 = Enables the net graph display on screen
  • 2 = Enables net graph + network data
  • 3 = Enables net graph + payload data

Therefore, there are only 4 ways we can use this command in CS:GO, and if you’re just running basic diagnosis, we recommend you to stick to “1”, as it will bring you enough data. However, if you want to dive deeper to analyze more complex issues, you should use “3” and “4” accordingly. 

This command is available for all players, meaning you can use it even if you don’t have admin rights. By simply launching the developer console and inputting net_graph along with your preferred function, it will instantly.

Furthermore, it also doesn’t require you to activate “sv_cheats 1” beforehand, because when activating the net graph, it will only become available for you, and in addition, having access to this information doesn’t alter the normal mechanics of the game.

Finally, it’s important to mention this command is only available in CS:GO. If you try to execute it in CS2, it won’t produce any result because the new version of the game hasn’t been configured to accept net_graph.

Now that you have a proper overview on this command, let’s see what requirements you must meet in order to execute it in CS:GO.

Requirements to Use net_graph

Because the net_graph command doesn’t require admin rights nor to activate the use of cheat commands, the only requirement you must meet is to activate the developer console.

In case you don’t know how to do it, simply follow this quick tutorial:

  1. Launch CS:GO
  2. Navigate to “Settings”
  3. Click on “Game”
  4. Navigate to the option to activate the developer console
  5. Set it to “Yes”

Now the developer console will be ready and you can launch it by clicking the “~” key, allowing you to input net_graph without problems.

With this ready, it’s time to show you how to use the command to display the net graph information at will.

How to Use net_graph

Using this command is pretty easy, and you can do it in only 4 steps:

  1. Press the “~” key to launch the developer console
  2. Input “net_graph” + the corresponding value based on the function you want to execute
  3. Press “Enter”
  4. It will execute the net graph function instantly

Let’s say you want to display the basic version of the net graph in CS:GO, all you need to do is to use “1” as the argument, resulting in this: net_graph 1. Press “Enter” and it will display all the information you need on the screen, instantly.

If you want to execute other functions, just use the corresponding values and it will work without problems.

Binding the net_graph Command

If you’d like to make it easy for you to use this command without having to launch the developer console every single time you want to execute it, we recommend you bind it to a key. Here’s how:

  1. Press the “~” key to launch the developer console
  2. Input bindtoggle “your-key” net_graph
  3. Click “Enter”
  4. Now you can show the net_graph on and off by clicking your preferred key

If you selected the key “K” for this purpose, you’d need to input the following via console: bindtoggle K net_graph. Click “Enter” and it will work instantly.

If you want to make your life even easier, just add this bit of code to your autoexec file and this function will remain enabled every time you launch and play CS:GO.

Now you have all the knowledge necessary to execute this command without problems, but if you’d like to learn more about the other functions, we recommend you to check out the next section.


Now it’s time to explore the different ways you can use net_graph in CS:GO, by checking real life examples on how to implement it.

Display the Net Graph

For displaying the net graph on screen in CS:GO, you need to use “1” as the argument, resulting in the following: net_graph 1. Press “Enter” and it will stick the net graph to the screen until you decide to hide it again, bringing you key data about what’s going on behind the scenes in the game.

Display Network Data

If the standard information of the net graph is not enough, because you need network data to diagnose specific issues, you need to use “2” as the argument, resulting in the following: net_graph 2. Press “Enter” and it will display the net graph along with exclusive network data, useful for a wide myriad of purposes such as diving deep into the factors causing FPS loss or chokes.

Display Payload Data

If you need access to a net graph with payload data, you need to use “3” as the argument for the command to execute this function, resulting in the following: net_graph 3. Press “Enter”, and it will display the net graph along with all the payload data you might need.

Hide the Net Graph

If you want to reset the command back to default, and hence remove the net graph from the screen, you need to use “0” as the argument, resulting in the following: net_graph 0. Press “Enter” and it will remove the net_graph instantly.


If you’d like to explore even more details about net_graph, we invite you to check the answers to the most frequently asked questions about it.

Can you set the net graph position with net_graph?

No, you cannot set the location using this command, as its only function is displaying or hiding it. If you’d like to customize its position on the screen, you need to use the net_graphpos command to set it according to your preferences.

Can you set the net graph height with net_graph in CS:GO?

No, you cannot customize the net graph height by using net_graph. To customize this setting, you need to use the net_graphheight command, and it will allow you to decide how short or tall you want it to be when displaying it on screen.

Is there an alternative net_graph command in CS2?

Yes, even though the classic net graph CSGO command is not available in CS2, you can use this alternative code: cq_netgraph. Simply launch the developer console, input cq_netgraph via console with “0” as the argument to hide it, or “1” to display it, click “Enter” and it will work automatically in CS2.