This command will generate a fake lag spike.
Find additional information relating to this command below.
sv_cheats Required
Client or Server Command

Spike Command Help & Examples

What’s up, CS:GO fans, how are you doing? Are you ready to learn new tricks? We know you are, so today, we discuss what type of command spike CS:GO is and its function.

It’s not as commonly used as other game commands but can be incredibly useful in specific situations. The spike CS:GO is an operation you can use for testing. You can simulate a spike in your connection to experiment with lag and understand how it affects the game.

Want to hear more? Stay with us and keep reading to discover why this order is essential and why players use it.

What is the Spike Command?

The spike command is a developer tool primarily for examination and debugging purposes. As we explained above,  It simulates lag or spikes in the game’s network conditions, helping developers and advanced users see how it handles sudden network issues. It’s not a command you’d use in a regular match, but it can be a significant tool for solving problems.

How to Use the Spike Command

Like almost every action in CS:GO, you must type it in the console to bring the spike CS:GO command to life. So, display the console using the standard way by pressing the tilde (~) key, or follow this order to activate it if you haven’t yet: settings, game settings, enable developer console, and click “yes.”

Bring up the console and type “net_fakelag [value].” Replace the field “Value” with the number of milliseconds you want to simulate as lag. For example, typing “net_fakelag 100” will simulate 100 milliseconds of lag.

A Practical Testing Tool for Solving Network Issues

The practical reasons you’d ever want to simulate lag intentionally include testing game performance, training and preparation, and solving network difficulties. This command allows you to examine whether the game remains stable under unpredictable conditions.

It also benefits you in the game’s competitive mode because practicing your skills under laggy circumstances can develop your gaming senses. You will prepare to react calmly in real-world scenarios where you might face a poor connection. Use this command whenever you want to understand how it affects your performance, and get ready for anything the game throws at you.