<Z Offset>
this command moves the weapon on the Z-axis (up and down). The default value here is -1 and the value range is also between -2 and 2. Negative values move the weapon down, and positive values move the weapon upwards.
Z Offset
Seting this to a number between 2 and -2. 2 would put your view model as far in front of you as possible. -2 put your viewmodel as close as possible.
Find additional information relating
to this command below.
sv_cheats Required
Client or Server Command
viewmodel_offset_z Command Help
This command will set your Z offset of the view model and help you adjust how far down or up it is, with the gun in your hand. The maximum value is at 2 and the minimum value is -2
Command Generator
Adjust the settings so that you can generate the command below automatically. Copy and paste it, into you console.
viewmodel_offset_z -1
viewmodel_offset_z Examples
viewmodel_offset_z 2
This is the command that you will put to ensure your view model is as close to the top of your screen as possible.
viewmodel_offset_z -2
This is the command that you will put to ensure your view model is as close to the bottom of your screen as possible.