<0 / 1>
This command will enable or disable weapon inaccuracy spread.
0 / 1
When you turn it on, by setting it to “1”, all weapons will be accurate regardless of the distance, and when you set it to “0”, the weapons will have their corresponding inaccuracy in function of the distance.
Find additional information relating to this command below.
sv_cheats Required
Client or Server Command

Guide on How to Use the weapon_accuracy_nospread Command

If you are wondering if it’s possible to adjust the weapon inaccuracy spread in CS:GO, you’ll be glad to know it’s indeed doable, and you only need to use the weapon_accuracy_nospread command.

In this guide, we are going to show you how to use this command, starting by bringing you a proper definition of it, explain to you how it works and how to use it via console, as well as share with you real examples on how to implement it.

We will also bring you the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the weapon_accuracy_nospread command, so you can be 100% ready to start using it.

Definition of the weapon_accuracy_nospread Command

As its name clearly suggests, this command will allow you to turn on or off the spread of weapon inaccuracy, which is an interesting setting to play around with on private matches and servers in CS:GO and CS2. You can use it online and offline, bringing you the freedom to use it in all sorts of matches.

When you turn it on, by setting it to “1”, all weapons will be accurate regardless of the distance, and when you set it to “0”, the weapons will have their corresponding inaccuracy in function of the distance.

Therefore, this command only accepts two valid numeric arguments, and before you start using it, you need to remember the following:

  • It’s a cheat-protected command, hence you need to input “sv_cheats 1” before being able to use it

  • You can only use it on private servers and matches, and you need to have admin rights to execute it

Now that we have given you a proper definition and overview of the command, let’s see how it works in detail.

How Does the weapon_accuracy_nospread Command Work?

We won’t get into the exact technical details of weapon accuracy in CS:GO, as it’s a fairly complex topic, but because the game wants to bring players as much freedom as possible to tailor their gameplay experience, they introduced this command.

Because we all are not as skilled as pro players, and many of us just want to play for fun with our friends, they created this command, to make it possible for all players to have perfect accuracy no matter the distance.

This is why the command is also cheat-protected, as being able to use it freely on public matches and servers, in all game modes, especially Competitive, would provide players an unfair advantage over those who haven’t executed the command… and not everyone wants to play with cheats.

By inputting “sv_cheats 1”, the private server and match will activate all the cheat commands, allowing you to execute weapon_accuracy_nospread without restrictions. As long as you follow these requirements, it will work flawlessly, and you won’t risk getting game or VAC banned.

You can turn it on and off at will, by using “0” or “1” as the argument whenever you wish to, and it also makes it possible to bind this command, to make it easy to activate and deactivate weapon spread inaccuracy.

Now that it’s clear what the command is and how it works, let’s see how you can use it via console, to start adjusting the weapon inaccuracy spread however you want to.

How to Use the weapon_accuracy_nospread Command

Using this command via console is pretty easy, and we will show you how to use it step by step:

  1. Hit “~” to launch the developer console
  2. Input weapon_accuracy_nospread
  3. Assign “1” if you want to activate it or “0” if you want to disable it
  4. Hit “Enter”
  5. The weapon inaccuracy spread will be adjusted according to the argument you used

This is all it takes to use this command, and the results will be automatic, allowing you to play without worrying about the weapon inaccuracy spread… even if you shoot from faraway.

As we have previously mentioned, you need to activate the cheat-protected commands to be able to execute weapon_accuracy_nospread, and in case you don’t know how to do it, let us show you the way step by step:

  1. Hit “~” to open the console
  2. Input sv_cheats 1
  3. Hit “Enter”
  4. All the cheat-protected commands will be activated automatically

Now you will be able to use the command without restrictions, so you can adjust this setting as you wish to on your private server in CS:GO.

Examples on How to Implement the weapon_accuracy_nospread Command

Because the command only has two valid arguments, we can only visit two valid examples:

  • Activate no weapon inaccuracy spread: weapon_accuracy_nospread 1
  • Deactivate no weapon inaccuracy spread: weapon_accuracy_nospread 0

These are the only two ways you can use this command, and if you use any other value, it won’t execute, because it’s not been configured to work with a value outside of “1” or “0”, which stands for “true” and “false” respectively.

You cannot use it as a cvar command either, because it needs an argument to work. Therefore, if you input it like “weapon_accuracy_nospread” the system won’t be able to understand what function you want to execute, and hence it won’t work.

In the next section, you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about weapon_accuracy_nospread, so you can be 100% ready to start using it.


We have compiled the most frequently asked questions about this command, so we can answer them all under one section. Find all the information you need below.

What is the command to remove spread in CS:GO?

The command to remove spread in CS:GO is weapon_accuracy_nospread. It allows you to remove spread inaccuracy of weapons no matter the distance, bringing all players the possibility to shoot with 100% accuracy. However, it’s only possible to use it on private servers and matches because it’s a cheat-protected command.

Can you use weapon_accuracy_nospread to get 0 recoil in CS:GO?

No, you cannot use weapon_accuracy_nospread to get 0 recoil in CS:GO. If you want to adjust this setting, you need to use the weapon_recoil_scale command and set it to “0”. Furthermore, you can use both commands, to remove inaccuracy spread and recoil, massively increasing the accuracy of all players.

Can you use the weapon_accuracy_nospread command in CS2?

Yes, you can use the weapon_accuracy_nospread command in CS2 just like in CS:GO. As long as you have admin rights, it’s a private server or match, and you have already activated “sv_cheats 1”, you can use this command without restrictions.

Is weapon_accuracy_nospread the CSGO movement inaccuracy command?

Yes, weapon_accuracy_nospread is the CSGO movement inaccuracy command. By setting it to “1” you’ll disable the movement inaccuracy, allowing all players to shoot with 100% precision. It’s also available in CS2, and you can execute it if you have already activated the cheat-protected commands and it’s your private match or server.

Is weapon_accuracy_nospread the same as a CS2 aimbot?

No, it’s not the same. weapon_accuracy_nospread is a valid command you can execute in CS2 on private matches and servers without problems, even though it’s a cheat-protected command. On the other hand, a CS2 aimbot is a hack that will lead to getting your account VAC-banned, and you won’t be able to play on VAC-protected servers ever again.