CS2 M4A4 Vs M4A1-S Comparison

The ultimate weapon in the Counter-Strike series is the rifle. The Counter-Terrorists with their M4s and the Terrorists with their AK-47s. Both sets of guns have been crucial to the core meta for more than 20 years of elite gameplay. The M4A1-S vs M4A4 assault rifle has long been a point of contention for the CTs. In certain situations, each has advantages and disadvantages, but in CS:GO, only one of each may be equipped in the loadout at once.

With the introduction of custom loadouts in CS2, that all changed and it became possible to have both M4s equipped or not at the same time. Even in CS2, there is still disagreement about which M4 is superior.

Comparing Differences

The manner these firearms handle is the first area of disagreement. When it comes to fire rate, the CS2 M4A4 outperforms the M4A1-S. In close-quarters fighting, this correlates to speedier bullet discharge, enabling quicker takedowns. But there is a price for this benefit. The spray pattern of the M4A4 is renowned for being harder to regulate. It takes experience to get the hang of the first burst and following “pull down” motion to offset recoil. Though the recoil pattern is identical to the AK-47, some view this as a benefit since it lessens the adjustment required to switch between CT and T side weapons.


Conversely, the M4A1-S provides a more precise and accommodating spray pattern. This weapon is easier to use for new players or those who like to concentrate on accurate aim, especially at longer ranges. Shooting on the run is also more accurate with the suppressed M4. While moving when spraying down a rifle is generally not a good idea, there are some circumstances that demand taking more extreme action. The slightly increased damage per round makes up for the slower rate of fire. That implies that at long range, the M4A1-S may be able to take out an opponent with two bullets, whilst the M4A4 needs three (not including headshots).


The capacity of the magazine is another important distinction. With a powerful 30 round capacity, the M4A4 allows players greater leeway in long-range firefights. Players that are aggressive and prefer to hold down sites and push angles will especially benefit from this. On the other hand, each magazine of the M4A1-S holds just 20 rounds. Because of this limited capacity, players must use extra caution while making shots and rely on accurate placement and burst fire to finish targets.


Like other Counter-Strike games, CS2 places a strong emphasis on round economy. At $2900 against $3000, the M4A1-S has a modest price advantage over the M4A4. This $100 discrepancy may add up, particularly in “force buy” rounds where players have little money and it matters most. Obtaining an M4A1-S might make it possible to use a flashbang or a smoke grenade, which could improve your team’s plan of attack. The extra $100 and 10 rounds in the magazine, to the M4A4’s credit, may be the difference between getting the round-defining kill and running out of magazine rounds too soon.


With its silencer, the CS2 M4A1-S provides a special tactical edge over other rifles. Because suppressed rounds don’t have tracers, it’s hard for adversaries to identify the source of fire. This makes it possible to launch surprise attacks and stealthy flanks that upset opponent formations and tip the scales in a match. But in close quarters, the silencer’s damage and range are marginally diminished, which lessens its effectiveness.


Because it lacks the tactical advantage of the suppressor, the M4A4 performs better in less complex combat situations. It’s perfect for holding down choke points, destroying several adversaries at once, and anchoring bombsites because to its larger magazine capacity and quicker firing rate.


What Do The Pros Think?

IEM Sydney 2023, the first significant international LAN event for CS2, provided HLTV.org with information on players’ preferred rifles. With a 19.2 usage percentage, the M4A1-S was the second most popular weapon, just behind the AK-47, whereas its unsilenced version was only used in 4.4% of all kills throughout the tournament.


Final Verdict

Ultimately, every individual player’s decision for M4 ultimately depends on what they want and need. There’s no reason not to take advantage of CS2’s option to carry both in the loadout at once. For the M4A4’s strength and large magazine, give up one flashbang if you’re feeling really violent. The M4A1-S will work perfectly for you if you’d like to play more subtly or save a little cash. Everything ultimately boils down to personal choice, and there are no right or wrong responses.