Guide On Gamma Doppler Phases In CS2

Gamma Doppler skins have been sought out for a long time, especially knives. And with the release of Counter-Strike 2, certain skins have become even more valuable and that includes the Gamma Dopplers.

However, not every version of the Gamma Doppler knives are valued equally. Some go for market price, while others are valued much higher (up to tens of thousands of dollars). Currently, enthusiasts in the community differentiate the versions into five versions. Phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, phase 4, and emerald. Out of these five, one is much rarer and hence more expensive. But, we’ll expand more on that later!

In this article, we will give you an extensive guide on how to differentiate between the Gamma Doppler phases!

So, let’s get to it!

What Are Gamma Doppler Phases?

Phases describe the five different very unique patterns we can find on Gamma Doppler knives. Keep in mind that most Gamma Doppler falls into these four phases, and most people believe that there is a 90% chance to get a Gamma Doppler knife with one of the four phases. 

Each phase has its own unique color scheme and rarity, with the Emerald being the rarest and most coveted.



Breakdown of Gamma Doppler Phases

Now, let’s see exactly what differentiates the four phases, as well as the rarer emerald version.

Phase 1

Phase 1 was originally distinguished by the dominating black color with a hint of green, more specifically 80% black, 20% green split. However, in CS2, the pattern has completely changed so much that the black color is completely gone, and the color is now mostly blue, slowly fading into purple and then emerald green. You can usually find Phase 1s around the $800 range.

Phase 2

Gamma Doppler Phase 2s in CS:GO were 80% green and 20% black. But, with the latest updates in CS2, the Phase 2 is now all green on both sides with a slight tint of yellow in the pattern. Because it’s mostly green, and it looks closest to an Emerald, it’s priced higher at around $1,100 and up to $1,800.

Phase 3

Phase 3s in CS2 are pretty close when it comes to the colors and pattern when compared to CS:GO. On the front side, it’s mostly green with hints of blue, yellow, and lime. While the back side is sea blue with a green and lime tip. These also go for regular market price (~$800).

Phase 4

Phase 4 has the most variation in color, so you’ll see green, black, dark green, dark lime, and dark blue on the front, while the back is mostly lime and blue with a green tip. Again, these go for market price.


The Emerald phase is the crown jewel of the Gamma Doppler series. This version takes on a brilliant emerald green color with no mix of other colors. The Emerald phase is much rarer compared to the other phases and it does stand out even from afar. So, naturally, this one costs a lot more. Starting from $3000, this one can go up to ten thousand dollars or more. 


How to Obtain Gamma Doppler Knives?

To get a Gamma Doppler knife skin, you would first need to be incredibly lucky because getting a knife drop from a case is incredibly rare. Getting a knife with skin is even rarer. But, if you’re willing to try your luck, you can get Gamma Doppler skins only from the Gamma 2 and Gamma cases. Alternatively, you can buy one either from Steam’s community market or from many third-party trading/marketplace websites.



The Gamma Doppler phases in CS2 offer a wide range of colors and patterns and each one of them comes with its own unique appeal. Whether you prefer the blue hue of Phase 1, the multiple-color mix of Phase 4, or the pure green of the Emerald Phase, there’s a Gamma Doppler knife out there to suit your style.