How Many Rounds In CS:GO    

CS:GO’s competitive matchmaking was the most popular and most played gamemode. In fact, it is the gamemode that made Counter-Strike such a popular multiplayer FPS and a very competitive game.

However, competitive matches were on average 30 minutes long and this was heavily based on the number of rounds played. So, how many rounds are in a competitive match in CS:GO? 

Well, let’s see!

How Many Rounds Are In CS:GO

Competitive matches in CS:GO have a maximum of 30 rounds, or a maximum of 15 rounds per side (halftime) and the first team to win 16 rounds wins.

 If all 30 rounds are played, both teams get to play 15 rounds on the Terrorist side and 15 rounds on the Counter-Terrorist side. If the score reaches 15-15, the game ends with a tie.

However, in certain cases, like in FaceIt matches, professional matches, or custom games, when the score reaches 15-15, the match enters into overtime. During overtime, every player starts with $10,000 and the first team that gets 4 rounds will win. Overtime has a maximum of 6 rounds, so if the score is tied again, another round of overtime starts, until one team wins 4 rounds.

CS:GO also had Short Matches which had a maximum of 16 rounds, and the first to 9 rounds wins.


Why Is CS2 13 Rounds?

With the release of CS2, Valve replaced the MR15 (Max Round 15) system and replaced it with an MR12 system. So, in CS2, teams play a maximum of 12 rounds per side and the first team to get 13 rounds wins.

This replacement of the MR15 system resulted in huge changes in the gameplay. Both Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists now have a lot less money to work with, so full-buy investments are much riskier, especially when buying an AWP.

There is no official statement on why Valve decided to make CS2 13 rounds, but it’s most likely to cut down on the length of matches while increasing the intensity in the rounds. This may make it easier for new players to get into CS2, as well as make tournaments shorter, thus more entertaining. 

In competitive matchmaking, the matches still end with a tie if the score ends up as 12-12. However, in Premier, the new ranking and matchmaking system introduced with CS2 does have overtime. So, if you get to a 12-12 score, you will play only one overtime. If you end with a tie again, the match ends.


Economy Changes Because Of MR12

A lot of players in the community, as well as professional CS players, have been advocating for major changes in the CS economy to better support the MR12 system. Unfortunately, Valve has not made any statements regarding changes to the economy.

They did however release a patch reducing the price of the incendiary grenade from $600 to $500, and the M4A4 from $3100 to $3000. But, these changes are nearly as impactful as the community hoped. So, we have yet to see any significant update to change the CS2 economy.


Will CS2 Go Back To 16 Rounds?

Some players are not very keen on the MR12 system, so there is an interest in seeing the MR15 system going back into play in CS2. Or at least, add another gamemode that uses MR15.

However, there are no signs that Valve is looking to go back to MR15, so it is unlikely that we will be playing first to 16 rounds anytime soon.