How To Bind Grenades In CS2/CSGO

Counter-Strike is a game that requires a lot of teamwork, and grenades are one of the best tools to enable each other. Grenades can be very handy in certain situations, whether it would be blinding players, obstructing vision, or forcing enemy players into an unfavorable fight.


However, any Counter-Strike player has had the issue of struggling to scroll through their grenades and pull out the correct one in time. Taking a while to take out the correct grenade can be a lethal mistake that leads to a foolish death.

Fortunately, players can set dedicated binds to different grenades to avoid scrolling their mouse wheels. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about grenade binds.


How to Set CSGO Nade Binds

Setting key binds for each grenade will help you take out the correct one in hectic situations, increasing your efficiency and reducing unnecessary downtime. In Counter-Strike, there are two primary ways to set dedicated grenade key binds.



Using In-game Settings

The primary way to change your grenade hotkeys is done through the in-game settings of your Counter-Strike client.

Here is a step-by-step guide of how you can use your in-game settings to set grenade binds.


  1. Launch Counter-Strike 2 and go to your Settings menu.
  2. Next, go to your “Game” settings and head to the “Keyboard and Mouse” section.
  3. From the different categories provided, select “Weapon Keys”.
  4. Keep scrolling until you see the bindings for your grenades.


Here, you should see options for the five grenades available in Counter-Strike. The default bindings for these grenades are as follows.


  • HE Grenade: 6
  • Flashbang: 7
  • Smoke Grenade: 8
  • Decoy Grenade: 9
  • Molotov/Incendiary Grenade: 0


We can all agree that these are some very terrible keybinds, as nobody will have the time to move their fingers to the other side of the keyboard to pull out a specific grenade. It is highly recommended to use keys on the left side of your keyboard for your grenade binds, so you can press them using your left hand. However, you don’t need dedicated binds for all five grenades.

Most players will only have binds for the Flashbang, Smoke Grenade, or Molotov/Incendiary Grenade, as these are the three grenade types you likely need in the middle of intense engagements.

Using Console Commands

If you think using the in-game settings menu is for noobs, you can flex on your friends by changing your grenade binds through the developer console using console commands.

To change your bindings this way, you must have the Counter-Strike developer console enabled, which can be done through your game settings after setting “Enable Developer Console” to “Yes”.

Once your console is good to go, you can open it up and use these bind commands for each grenade.


  • HE Grenade: bind <key> “weapon_hegrenade”
  • Flashbang: bind <key> “use weapon_flashbang”
  • Smoke Grenade: bind <key> “use weapon_smokegrenade”
  • Decoy Grenade: bind <key> “weapon_decoy”
  • Molotov/Incendiary Grenade: bind <key> “use weapon_molotov; use weapon_incgrenade”


For these commands above, you will replace “<key>” with the keyboard button you are looking to use. For example, if you want to set your Flashbang hotkey to “C”, you would type the command: bind “c” “use weapon_flashbang”.

The best part about using console commands is that you can change your bindings in the middle of a round without having to visit your settings page and have your entire screen covered. These commands help you make adjustments on the fly.


What Are the Best Keys For Grenade Binds?

It is important to note that when it comes to settings, there are no “best” alternatives, as everything comes down to personal preference. However, we will list out some of the best keys to set grenade binds on.

For the Flashbang, some recommended keys are: Z, X, C, Mouse4, Mouse3

For the Smoke Grenade, some recommended keys are: X, C, V, Mouse5, Mouse3

For the Molotov/Incendiary Grenade, some recommended keys are: C, V, B, Mouse4, Mouse5

The HE Grenade and Decoy aren’t as urgent as the other three grenades mentioned above. You can dedicate any leftover keys to set a bind for them.

As you can tell, having a gaming mouse with additional buttons can be very useful for grenade binds. Having to click your mouse instead of your keyboard to pull them out can help you make swift movements without moving your fingers to swap out your grenades.

For reference, Mouse4 and Mouse5 are the buttons on the side of a gaming mouse, while a Mouse3 click can be initiated by clicking your scroll wheel.


Grenade Action Binds

On top of binding grenades to pull them out easily, you can also set scripts that help you perform a set of actions with one click of a button. Don’t worry, as we’re not using any illegal scripts that might get you banned. We are only using a set of console commands that are allowed in matchmaking servers, so there is no risk from using them.

Jump Throw Grenade Bind

Certain smoke or flashbang lineups will require players to throw the smoke as they are jumping, which is known as a “jump throw” in CSGO. Some of these lineups require you to do a jump throw very precisely, otherwise it will fail.

Though you can manually perform a jump throw and land it properly 80% of the time, there is still that 20% which might get your teammates to yell at you for missing.

The grenade jump throw bind is: alias “+jumpthrow” “+jump;-attack”; alias “-jumpthrow” “-jump”; bind <key> “+jumpthrow”

When you are looking to execute a jump throw, position yourself and hold left click on your smoke. Then, click the bind and you will perform a perfect jump throw.

Run Throw Grenade Bind

There are also several smoke lineups that require players to run and throw for extra momentum. Usually, these lineups only require you to take two steps forward for your running motion, so some players might find it difficult to know when to stop.

You can use this run throw bind to ensure you land accurate lineups: bind <key> “+forward;-attack;-forward”

Similarly, you just have to stand in the correct position and have your crosshair lined up properly, and click the bind.

Run Jump Throw Grenade

Some lineups can get even more complicated, as you must run, jump, and then throw your smoke grenade. Though these types of throws are still doable without a bind, having a 100% success rate never hurts.

Here is the bind for a run jump throw: alias “+RunJThrow” “+forward; +jump;-attack”; alias “-RunJThrow” “-forward;-jump”; bind <key> “+RunJThrow”

Instant Flashbang Throw Script

If you really want to get into all the possible advantages you can have, there is an additional grenade action bind that allows you to instantly switch to your Flashbang and throw it in an instant.

This bind can be used situationally when you are in a tight spot and want to get out by blinding your opponents.

Here is the instant flashbang throw bind: bind <key> “use weapon_flashbang; +attack; -attack”