How to Bunny Hop in CS2

In CS:GO, proficient bunny hopping is a well-known sign of movement proficiency, which also holds true in CS2. Learning how to bunny hop in CS:GO and CS2 is not much of a big deal. However, mastery of this technique is another story.
Anyone familiar with the Counter-Strike community has undoubtedly witnessed someone b-hopping in their matchmaking games.
It takes exceptional movement to learn the extensive array of counter strike bunny hopping elements. But let's begin with the fundamentals.

Bunny Hopping Explained

B-hopping was first found in Quake in the late 1990s. It lets players speed up by air strafing and keeping their motion. To speed up the engine, players do frame-perfect jumps while air strafing from side to side. Their speed increases as players finish a jump, making them move faster than a normal runner.

In 1998, b-hopping was first seen in the Quake 1 software. Speedrunner Quick Lite did a Quake speed run while bunny-hopping at the time. Since then, b-hopping has been moved to GldSrc. Since it was first used in Quake, bunny-hopping has become increasingly famous. It was later used in the Portal and Half-Life series.

In the initial stages of Counter-Strike, bunny hopping was the only practical way to move around. Still, Valve implemented several changes over time to encourage players to stay on the ground. 

Jumping again as soon as you ground yourself is known as “bunny hopping.” If you time it perfectly, your next jump will go forward more forcefully. If you land a few consecutive hops, you will outmatch anybody approaching with their knives.

Bunny leaping is a simple skill that improves with practice. The main factor influencing learning how to bunny hop CS:GO is tick rate, or how frequently a server modifies what players see. Attaching a server with a tick rate different from what you are used to will catch you off guard and make it harder for you to bunny hop.

Before moving on, knowing the difference between b-hopping in a competitive game server and a real b-hop server is important. First, it can be much harder to consistently b-hop based on your server and its tick rate. Sometimes, servers need to help you b-hop for long periods, no matter how much practice you have.

This is why most b-hop systems have “auto b-hop” turned on. This means the person holds down their jump key, and the server b-hops for them. So that the b-hops are always the same, and it’s necessary to change other server settings, such as stamina and maximum velocity. You have to control your speed and air strafing, so don’t think too little of that skill.

Our guide just explains the basics of b-hopping. It doesn’t detail how to set up or use b-hope sites. We want to give you a basic idea of how b-hopping works and how it generally works. You can use the basic skills you learn in this guide in both competition and b-hop servers.


Why You Need Bunny Hopping

Bunny hopping can be the key between being victorious and losing a round. Rotating and navigating the many speed-related leaps strewn throughout each level will come naturally to you very fast when you master this technique. You can also get to parts of the game that you couldn’t get to except by bunny hopping.

You will not only move more quickly through the map, but you will also be able to dodge enemies’s bullets and hit enemies out of the blue with more ease if you continue to add flair to your movements. Running into the smoke and escaping is much easier if you possess adequate momentum to get beyond. 

It also makes your game less predictable, which makes it harder for your opponents to guess what you’ll do next. You’ll be considerably harder to strike because of your rapid changes in direction in the air.

Since Counter-Strike is a sensation-based game, if you are succeeding with your b-hops, you are most likely in the zone. It’s worth the effort to learn how to bhop in CS:GO and CS2 since it improves your understanding of movement in CS2 and CS:GO.

Although bunny hopping has many advantages, there are certain things you must bear in mind. First of all, your framerate affects Bunnyhop; a higher speed makes things work better. 

The “air acceleration” setting on the server also changes Bunny hop movement. This setting tells you how much room you have to move while airborne. People who play may even try to kick you if they think you’re cheating so that you can get to certain distances.


How to Change Your Binds for Bunny Hopping

CS bunny hopping skills could be greatly enhanced by binding items such as scroll wheels to move in an upward or downward direction. To change certain settings in this regard, you will need to gain access to the mainframe. You can still use your spacebar, but it’s easier to scroll continuously when landing. 

To adjust the jump bind, do the following:

  • Check out the settings to activate the developer console.
  • Select the magnifying glass.
  • Type “console.”
  • The initial setting will ask whether you wish to activate the developer console (~).
  • Select “Yes.”

These commands must then be entered into your console: 

  • bind mwheeldown +jump;bind space +jump
  • bind mwheelup +jump;bind space +jump
  • bind “mwheeldown” +jump; bind “mwheelup” +jump; bind “space” +jump

The only problem is that sometimes your mouse might mistakenly record a jump. In CS:GO, this was a major issue. If this doesn’t go away, try learning how to b hop CS:GO using your spacebar. It is feasible.


How to Bunny Hop

B-hopping is a matter of spending time to get better at it. Players need to know the right time to jump in order to b-hop. 

In essence, players keep jumping on the same frame where they finished their first jump. You’ll get what we mean when you try to b-hop!

Before you start bunny hopping, make sure you’re not in a space that is too small or too short. If it is, there wouldn’t be much point in the hop. Once you’re sure there’s enough room, start jumping forward.

For starters, go into a server (128-tick is best) and jump up and down while staying in place to become used to the time. If you jump up, jump again just before your player model’s feet hit the ground. This is called a “b-hop.” 

Because it will happen so quickly, the jump won’t make the sound you might be used to hearing in games. Do this repeatedly until you can do several b-hops without having to start over.

As a quick tip, in a normal 64—or 128-tick server, moving with the space bar makes b-hopping a lot harder. Change how your jump is bound to the scroll wheel. We promise it will make it much easier.

If that seems difficult to understand, let’s break it down into steps:


  • Press W to begin running forward.
  • If you want to jump, press the space bar or the jump key on your keyboard or mouse wheel when you get moving. But we suggest that you set up a bind to jump with the mouse wheel, as we instructed earlier. This will help you be more accurate when you’re jumping back-to-back.
  • To hit from the air, let go of the “W” key. To move the mouse left or right, move it a little and press the key that goes with it (“A” for left, “D” for right). This is called “aerial strafing.”
  • Press the jump key again right before you hit the ground. As long as the time is right, you will jump again right away after landing to keep going.
  • Continue jumping and strafing through the air. Your speed will go up every time you safely jump.

It’s time to advance the technique procedure forward once you have perfected the fundamental b-hop by hopping up and down in situ. Pull out your knife and sprint forward for a few seconds to attain maximal running speed—250. 

Release your forward key as soon as you jump, then b-hop using your “A” and “D” buttons to create an air strafe from side to side.

To show location and velocity data, type “cl_showpos 1” in the console. This will enable you to identify the breakthrough b-hop speed when your speed exceeds 250.

Keeping your momentum and accelerating your movement speed depends on strafing from side to side when b-hopping. Without a doubt, beginners find this section of b-hopping to be most difficult. 

You are effectively b-hopping when, following a bhop, your speed stays over the maximum running speed (250). You are not b-hopping if your speed is falling below 250 shortly after briefly landing and jumping.

One easily gets discouraged when initially starting. Remember that b-hopping is a difficult skill to learn; some contend that even the finest b-hoppers never really grasp the art of b-hop. Like any CS:GO skill, practicing is very important! Go into an unoccupied server and begin hopping away!


Keep Track of your Work

As far as we are concerned, counter strike bunnyhop is a very important technique. Once you have linked your jump to either the up or down mouse button, or both, you will need to join a server and practise.

After you join a server, these commands will let you see how you’re doing.

  • sv_cheats true 
  • cl_showpos 1

The show_pos command can be used after cheats are turned on. When you type both of them into the console, a lot of information will show up in the top left corner.

There will be more than one line on your screen, but the one you should pay attention to is “vel.” This represents velocity and should be the main thing you look at.

When you run with your knife out, the maximum you can reach is 250 vel. This happens no matter which way you’re going.

Your speed will go up above 250 when you jump and strafe in the air. This is what you want to happen when you land after the second jump.



Mastering bunny hopping in Counter-Strike is a rewarding challenge that can significantly enhance your gameplay. By understanding the fundamentals, adjusting your key bindings, and practicing consistently, you’ll be able to navigate maps more quickly, evade enemy fire, and surprise opponents with your unpredictable movements. 

Whether you’re playing on competitive servers or dedicated b-hop servers, the skills you develop will make you a more proficient and agile player. Remember, practice is key—so keep hopping and refining your technique to gain the upper hand in your matches.




To ensure you fully understand how to bhop CS:GO and CS, below are frequently asked questions and answers about the matter.

What is bunny hopping in Counter-Strike?

Bunny hopping, or b-hopping, lets players move faster by air strafing and jumping perfectly. It started in Quake in the late 1990s and is popular in Counter-Strike.

Why is bunny hopping useful in Counter-Strike?

Bunny hopping lets players move quickly, dodge enemy bullets, and perform unpredictable moves. This can determine a round’s outcome.

How do I bind my jump key for better bunny hopping?

To improve bunny hopping, connect your jump to the mouse wheel. Access the developer console and type these commands:

bind mwheeldown +jump;bind space +jump

bind mwheelup +jump;bind space +jump

bind “mwheeldown” +jump; bind “mwheelup” +jump; bind “space” +jump

What is the difference between bunny hopping in a competitive server and a b-hop server?

Bunny hopping is harder on competitive servers with different tick rates. B-hop servers may enable “auto b-hop” to let players hold the jump key for consistent hops and adjust stamina and maximum velocity.

How can I practice bunny hopping effectively?

Start bunny hopping in place on a server with a 128-tick rate to get the timing right. Bind your jump to the mouse wheel for accuracy. Use cl_showpos 1 to monitor your bunny hopping speed and ensure it’s above 250. Practice to get better.