How To Change The Crosshair Color In CS2

If you wanna be the big fish that eats the small ones in the ocean, you must think of improving every single detail of CS:GO. Learning the command how to change the crosshair color in CS:GO is a crucial skill you must know to raise your gameplay to a higher level.


If you are still wondering about the connection between the crosshair and your performance in the game, remember that we are speaking about a tool that involves aiming and precision. Therefore, you need a broader comprehension of this aid that helps you build your confidence, leading to better decision-making and match results.

Does it still sound like a minor thing? Let’s change your mind and convince you that it can make a world of difference in your gameplay, turning chain reactions in your favor.


Why Changing the Crosshair’s Color?

Why bother changing your crosshair color at all? Well, your crosshair is your point of focus. Regardless of the map, background, or lighting conditions, it must always be visible. Read some of the most essential things related to your crosshair in CS:GO.

A Significant Tool for Aiming

The crosshair is the tool you use to lay your enemy down. It precisely aligns your gun with the target by indicating where your shot ends. If you design it well, you can improve accuracy and knock down foes with a headshot.

Consistently Using it Can Build a Muscle Memory

Build muscle memory by finding your ideal crosshair and keeping it consistent. With repeated use, your brain and hand coordination get used, resulting in mathematically accurate shots. Launch training maps to test your skills and practice your aiming until targeting your opponent’s head becomes an automated habit.

You Can Adjust it for Accurate Aiming

Choose the right style of crosshair to kill in the game easily. Select a small, static crosshair or a dynamic crosshair that expands with movement and firing for accurate aiming. Such a crosshair gives you a more realistic sense of your gun’s motion. Adjust the gap to help with lining up headshots. A small gap is usually more effective.

It Offers a Variety of Customization Options

When customizing your crosshair, always think of the map environment. Imagine what happens if you play on a map in which red dominates and you adjust your crosshair to the same color. You agree that spotting your aim on the screen won’t be easy, right? Cleverly adjust color, size, thickness, and style to suit your play style and the map background to prevent losing track, especially in the most intense moments.


Changing Crosshair Color in CS:GO

You can either pre-set the crosshair preferences in the in-game settings or use console commands during the game. We recommend using console commands for better control and quicker access without quitting the game. Here’s how the process goes:

Opening the Console

Access the console to begin the procedure. If you haven’t enabled it yet, follow these instructions: open CS:GO and go to the “Settings” menu. Navigate to the “Game” tab. Find the option “Enable Developer Console (~)” and set it to “Yes.”

Check these steps twice to ensure you don’t miss something. If you set everything correctly, you can open the console anytime by pressing the tilde key (~). Now, you can prepare for the next steps.

Commands for Changing the Crosshair Color 

Your console is now ready to listen and accept your commands. Let’s say you want to change your crosshair color to red, green, yellow, blue, or cyan. These colors have numbers from zero to four. For example, if you want the green one, type this CSGO crosshair color command: “cl_crosshaircolor 1.” Press Enter and do the job.


Making Your Own Crosshair Colors in CS:GO

Making Your Own Crosshair Colors in CS:GO

Feeling ready to go one step further? Then, make a set of your custom crosshair colors using RGB values. With this option, you can paint the crosshair to any shade you want. We’ll give you the commands to type in the console so you can experiment with colors:


  1. Type the CSGO crosshair color command “cl_crosshaircolor 5” to enter the custom colors mode.
  2. Next, use the commands “cl_crosshaircolor_r,” “cl_crosshaircolor_g,” and “cl_crosshaircolor_b” to set red, green, and blue values separately.


For each RGB value, you get a different color combination. For example, if you want a purple crosshair, you might type something like this: 


  • cl_crosshaircolor 5
  • cl_crosshaircolor_r 128
  • cl_crosshaircolor_g 0
  • cl_crosshaircolor_b 128


If you type this operation precisely as it is, you will set your crosshair color to a lovely purple shade by combining red and blue. Maps like Dust II, Mirage, and Inferno are perfect stages for this shade, as the environment makes the purple crosshair stand out.


Adjusting the Crosshair to Details

Sometimes, just changing the color isn’t enough. You might find that your new crosshair color works well on some maps but not on others. Here are a few additional tips to ensure your crosshair is always visible and effective:


  1. Adjust the Outline: Painting the outside lines of your crosshair will enhance its visibility. You can alter the outline and thickness with the following CSGO crosshair color command: “cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1,” “cl_crosshair_outlinethickness.”
  2. Change the style: Use the command “cl_crosshairstyle” to experiment with different styles. To change the style, enter numbers from zero to five right after the command.
  3. Optimize the Size: Choosing the best size is essential. If you make your crosshair dynamic, it will follow the movements and shakes of your gun, while the static remains the same, no matter the power of the bullets.


Now that you know what these functions mean, you can choose what suits your taste. If you prefer the dynamic crosshair type “cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod 1” or if you like the static type “cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod 0” in the console.


Frequent Problems and Solutions

Sometimes, things may go differently than you plan. If you encounter any issues with your crosshair color not changing, here are a few tips on how to quickly solve them:


  • Check if every command is correct: Ensure you’ve typed the CSGO crosshair color command correctly. Even a tiny typing mistake can cause them not to work.
  • Return to the basic settings: If something appears wrong, reset your crosshair settings to default using “cl_crosshair_recoil 0” to start over again.
  • Install the latest updates: Your CS:GO should be up-to-date since outdated versions sometimes cause console errors.


Don’t be discouraged if the game has bugs or malfunctions; this is common with complex software. For other issues, you can start a discussion on Steam or email the Valve corporation at their official email address.


Generate Crosshairs Online

You can experiment with different settings using online crosshair generators or community workshops. These tools let you see changes in real time and try out configurations to find the setup that suits you best.


Practice During Matches

After setting up your crosshair, take some time to practice in aim training maps or deathmatches to get accustomed to it. See how it performs in various situations and adjust the settings as you prefer. The aim is to discover a crosshair that boosts your performance and feels comfortable to use.


The Crosshair’s Impact on the Game

You’ll never climb higher on the leaderboard if you don’t find your ideal crosshair type. As you can notice, it’s the most powerful game tool closely related to your score and overall performance. Carefully read the most significant effects so you never underestimate crosshair again:

Improves Your Aim & Allows You to Control the Game

Your crosshair plays a crucial role in how well you control your shots. If you position it appropriately, it helps you keep the focus on your target, making it smoother to locate the most vulnerable points of your enemy. 

Gives you a Feedback on Shooting Mechanics

Dynamic crosshairs give you instant feedback on your shooting technique. As you move or shoot, the crosshair expands to signal inaccuracy. This visual alert helps you recognize moments of potential imprecision and helps you improve movement and shooting habits.

Puts You in a Tactical Advantage

If you are in a game where players think fast and have elaborated tactics against you, having a strategically optimized crosshair is crucial to survival. You must have counter-tactics as an answer to the new situations on the battlefield. For example, you’ll need a small crosshair in long-range maps because your opponents may be distanced from you, whereas a larger one could bring you an advantage in close-quarters combat.

Brings You a Psychological Confidence

A personalized crosshair can make you feel confident. Knowing that you have the right partner who can do the job can help you settle down and keep focus while under pressure. With such support, you are more likely to make good decisions and perform better during the match.


A Game-Changing Tool That Elevates Your Gameplay

Imagine the discomfort of your crosshair blending into the background. That’s why the color you choose for your crosshair should stand out against the background of the game environment, making it easier to aim and react faster.

Knowing to type CS:GO crosshair color command in a given moment, solves the issue of crosshair visibility that directly affects your match performance. Remember that improving your aim will naturally boost your score and elevate your position on the leaderboard. Stay consistent in hitting your targets since it translates to more kills and assists, contributing to your overall CS:GO results.