How To Clear Decals In CS:GO

Counter-Strike has been among the most popular games worldwide for years. The community around it is remarkable, and it seems to be growing every day. The Counter-Strike developer, Valve, plays a massive part in all of this. From the very beginning, Valve has allowed players to customize the game to their liking, which is a massive advantage over other games.

They have opened up some parts of the code for modification, which cannot influence the game mechanics. Players are very happy with it and are discovering new ways every day to take their gaming experience to the next level.

Stay with this article to see what changes we can make through the developer console in CS:GO, clear decals, and many other interesting commands.

Changes We Can Make Through The Console in CSGO

The developer console is a command center in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. It allows players to customize many aspects of the game. It also helps server admins to be able to customize the game while the server is in-game, they just execute alternative config files. The console is disabled by default, so whatever the users want to do, they must first enable it in the game settings. This can be done with the following steps:


  • Launch Steam
  • Open Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  • Select Settings from the main menu
  • Under the game tab, toggle the Enable Developer Console to Yes. 


Once they have done this, players can change settings and customize their gameplay and configurations through the console. Each type of action users are about to take has a different prefix in the command. Some of the most important ones are:

  • Mp_: Multiplayer
  • Cl_: Client
  • Sv_: Server
  • G_: Graphical
  • R_: Rendering
  • Con_: Console
  • Net_: Network
  • Snd_: Sound/Audio
  • HUD_: Heads up display
  • Ui_: Graphical user interface


Players can execute commands regarding all of these types of actions and many more. This means that users are allowed to make changes to all aspects of the game. However, some of the commands need sv_cheat enabled (set to the value of 1) to be executed.  


Through the developer console, players can also add, remove, and kill bots, bind commands to certain keys, and use many other useful options.


What are Decals in CSGO?

Decals are effects that happen in the game because of the gameplay. It adds a whole different level of realistic experience to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The decals are available on the walls and the ground in the game. The most common ones are bullet holes, blood, grenade scorch, graffiti, etc. Players can clear decals in CS:GO and can also set a limit to it when playing multiplayer. 


The limit of decals usually depends on the shader details, lower the shader details, less decals will be needed before the first ones start to disappear. Players can also remove decals immediately. This is a way to improve visibility and hide any action indicators in the place that players might exploit in the game. 


How to Get Rid of Decals in CSGO?

There are two ways how to clear decals in CS:GO, and both can be done through the developer console:


  • Type r_cleardecals in the console. You can clear decals through the developer console by typing this command. 


  • Create a bind. It can be challenging and a waste of time to execute a certain command every time we would like to clear the map decals. Instead, we can create a bind on decal removals. Some players like to assign this bind to a commonly used key, like R (reload) W, so they clear decals every time they press it for walking, which is all the time. We can assign this bind to a non-used key if we open the console and type: Bind [key] “r_cleardecals”.  If we want to set the clear decal bind to an already used key and keep that command, for example, W, we can type Bind w “+forward;r_cleardecals”


Using the developer console properly can help players customize Counter-Strike: Global Offensive to their liking and improve their gaming experience. They can also change controls by binding the commands to a key of their preference. 


Most players like decals because they add a realistic image to the game. However, some of them like to clear them. To clear decals in CS:GO, you can do it manually through the console or set a bind and do it whenever you want. Most players assign the bind to a key they already use, so every time they press it, the decals are automatically cleared.