How To Convert Your Valorant Sensitivity To CS2

Transitioning from playing Valorant to Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) is challenging, especially when adjusting your in-game sensitivity. However, maintaining a consistent sensitivity between games can significantly improve your performance and ease the transition.

Understanding Sensitivity in FPS Games

Sensitivity in first-person shooter (FPS) games refers to how much your in-game crosshair moves relative to the physical movement of your mouse. Finding the proper sensitivity is crucial for accuracy and comfort. Valorant and CS2, despite being FPS games, use different scaling for sensitivity settings. This means you cannot use the same sensitivity value directly in both games and expect the same result.


Why Sensitivity Matters

A consistent sensitivity setting across different games allows you to develop in-game muscle memory, essential for precision aiming. Muscle memory refers to the unconscious competence we develop through repetitive practice. Keeping your sensitivity settings consistent ensures that your hand movements translate similarly across different games, making it easier to adapt and perform well.


The Conversion Formula

Converting your sensitivity settings from Valorant to CS2 (Counter-Strike 2) is a simple process. The conversion is necessary because the sensitivity scaling differs between these two games. To ensure a consistent feel when switching between Valorant and CS2, use the Val to CS2 sens conversion formula- CS2 Sensitivity=Valorant Sensitivity×3.18


Step-by-Step Conversion Process

  1. Find Your Valorant Sensitivity: First, note down your current sensitivity setting in Valorant. You can find this in the game settings under the “General” tab
  2.  Apply the Conversion Formula: Use the above formula to calculate your CS2 sensitivity. For example, if your Valorant sensitivity is 0.5, your CS2 sensitivity would be (utilizing the formula) : CS2 Sensitivity=0.5×3.18=1.59
  3. Set Your Sensitivity in CS2: Open Counter-Strike 2, go to the settings menu and locate the sensitivity option. Enter the newly calculated sensitivity value (in our example, 1.59).

Fine-Tuning Your Sensitivity

While the conversion formula provides a good starting point, it’s important to fine-tune your sensitivity for optimal performance. Spend some time in CS2’s practice modes or bot matches to adjust and find the most comfortable and natural sensitivity for you.


Practical Tips for Sensitivity Adjustment

  • Consistency is Key: Maintaining the same sensitivity across different games helps build muscle memory, improving overall aiming skills.
  • Use Mouse Settings: Ensure your mouse DPI (Dots Per Inch) settings remain consistent between Valorant and CS2. A familiar DPI setting is 800, but this can vary based on personal preference.
  • Practice Regularly: Regular practice with your new sensitivity in CS2 will help you adapt more quickly. Spend time in aim trainers or custom aim training maps designed for improving aim.
  • Adjust as Needed: If the converted sensitivity doesn’t feel right, don’t hesitate to make minor adjustments. Sensitivity is highly personal, and what works for one player might not work for another, so explore and find what is right for you!

Additional Considerations

Mouse DPI and Polling Rate

Your mouse DPI and polling rate can also affect your in-game sensitivity. DPI measures how sensitive your mouse is to movement. In contrast, the polling rate measures how often your mouse reports its position to the computer. A higher DPI allows for more precise movements, and a higher polling rate can result in smoother tracking.


Mousepad and Surface

The surface you use your mouse on can impact your sensitivity. A good quality mousepad designed for gaming can provide a consistent surface, reducing friction and allowing for smoother, more accurate movements.


In-Game Settings

Both Valorant and CS2 offer various settings that can impact your overall gaming experience. Ensure your in-game settings, such as resolution and field of view (FOV), are set to your preference, as these can indirectly affect your sensitivity.




Converting your Valorant sensitivity to Counter-Strike 2 using the val to CS2 sens method can help you maintain consistency and improve your performance in both games. Following the conversion formula and fine-tuning your settings, you can seamlessly transition between these popular FPS titles. Remember, consistent practice and adjustments based on personal comfort and performance are the keys to mastering any sensitivity setting.