How To Crouch/Duck In CS:GO

Crouching in games is very commonly a vital part of the movement. It allows you to get into tight spaces, hide, or stay behind cover. In a competitive FPS like CS:GO and CS2, using this movement to your advantage is a must if you want to win your matches.

So, let’s see how you can use it.

How Do You Crouch In CS:GO?

The default key bind for CS:GO and CS2 for crouching/ducking is Ctrl. So, if you haven’t changed the default key binds in the game, just press Ctrl to crouch.

If you don’t like using the Ctrl key and prefer C or any other key, you can head into the CS’ game settings, then into the Keyboard/Mouse tab, and then look for “Duck”, click on it, and then press any key on your keyboard to assign the action to it.

If you want to toggle crouching instead of holding the key, again, you can select Toggle or Hold under the “Duck Mode” setting.

You can also make a Crouch/Duck bind.



How To Effectively Use Crouching In CS:GO

While crouching in CS is essential, it’s important not to overuse it as it can affect your performance negatively.

When to and when not to crouch:

  • Don’t crouch and move during duels – when in a gunfight, it’s better to counter-strafe/move to make yourself a harder target. Crouching makes you a smaller target, but you’re standing in one place, making you easier to hit.
  • Do press crouch when climbing – whenever you try to climb on a platform on a box, hit crouch at the top of your jump to make sure your legs get onto the ledge.
  • Do crouch to hide behind cover – there are many boxes or walls in CS:GO that can hide you only when you’re crouching.
  • Don’t peek while crouching – when crouching, you’re very slow, so try to peek while standing.