How To Equip USP-S Pistol In CS2  

Counter-Terrorists in Counter-Strike have always had the option to choose between two pistols, the USP-S, and the P2000. Most people find the USP-S to be their weapon of choice for the pistol and eco rounds.
However, the P2000 is always the default weapon in the CT loadout for everyone starting the game for the first time. With the release of CS2, all players’ loadouts were reset to the P2000, which created a lot of confusion, especially because the whole loadout system was revamped.
So, here’s a quick guide on changing to the USP-S pistol.

How To Change Starting Pistol CS2

To change the starting pistol in CS2, from the main menu, click on the Loadout tab. Here, you will see all of your weapons for your CT and T loadouts. Click on the CT on the left to open the CT loadout and then click on the Starting Pistol tab (with the P2000 in it).

Once you click on it, the inventory below will filter out all weapons and show only the starting pistols and their respective skins. So, from here, pick any USP-S skin you may or may not have, and drag it into the Starting Pistol box in the loadout. And that’s it, you’ve now changed to the USP-S pistol in CS2.

Alternatively, you can also right-click the weapon and press replace for CT, T, or both sides, depending on the weapon.


Should You Choose The USP-S Over The P2000?

Even though most people play the USP-S, there are still some players who prefer the P2000, as well as some pro players. At one point, even S1mple chose the P2K over the USP. So, which one is better, and should you choose the USP-S over the P2K?

Well, the truth is that both pistols are practically identical. Both have the same amount of armor penetration, as well as damage, and rate of fire. The only difference is that the P2000 has one more bullet in its magazine, but it has 30 more ammo in reserve. So, it’s a solid choice if you usually spam with your pistols.

However, the USP-S has a silencer which can be an advantage when shooting from a distance or hiding in smokes. The USP also has better accuracy at range when the silencer is equipped which is a huge advantage over the P2000.

So, the answer is yes. You should probably choose the USP-S over the P2000 as the accuracy will help you land headshots as well as keep you hidden when shooting from far away.



Can you switch to the P2000 later?

Yes, you can switch back to the P2000 any time you want, except while you are in-game in a Premier or Competitive Matchmaking match.

Should I change back to the P2000?

The USP-S is seen as the superior pistol for CTs, but if you prefer the feel of the P2000 over the USP-S, then you should change back to it. The difference between the two weapons isn’t that different to make a huge difference in your matches.

Is the USP-S silencer an advantage over the P2000?

The USP-S silencer does bring an advantage over the P2000 as it masks the sound of shots at a greater distance. You also don’t show up on the mini-map when shooting with a silencer, making it more difficult for enemies to find your positi