How To Get Prime Status In CS:GO

As CS:GO gamers, you all deserve to know how to get CS:GO Prime since it concerns matchmaking, which indirectly affects your game’s performance like a chain reaction. Simply put, this status groups you with players with verified accounts.

Ready to learn how to avoid hackers and find your perfect teammates? Keep an eye on each word and pay attention to every detail in the next headings.

What is the Impact of CS:GO Prime Status on Matchmaking?

Think of the CS:GO Prime as a special badge you get for making your Steam account original. Here’s how this achievement changes the entire CS:GO adventure, giving you a different perspective of the game:


  • Connecting with a Perfect Squad: With this status, you will only match people with the same title, leading to a high-quality match experience. This linking usually means you will play with people more serious about the game.
  • Minimizing the Cheaters: Prime minimizes the number of cheaters in the game. Linking the original phone number means that once cheaters get banned, it’s harder for them to return because their phone number signals that it is the same person.
  • Building a Trust: Trust Factor helps you find players with similar behaviors and avoids pairing you with disruptive players.


So, getting Prime can make your matches feel more honest and competitive, with fewer interruptions from cheaters. It’s like getting a VIP pass to better, more secure games.


How to Earn the CS:GO Prime Status

Yes, we’ve found the best way to explain Prime status: It’s like getting into a CS:GO VIP club with unique benefits where people of the same interests surround you. Here’s how you can get Prime Status and join this exclusive community:


  • Reach Level 21: Play CS:GO until you get enough experience points to open the doors of Level 21.
  • Verify Your Phone Number: Link your phone number to your Steam account. This information helps you keep things fair and reduces the possibility of cheaters joining.
  • Upgrade to Prime: After you reach Level 21 and verify your phone number, you can upgrade to Prime. It’s like unlocking extra features and better games.


Once you get there, you’ll enjoy smoother and more competitive gaming. Don’t hesitate to join such an environment if you want more secure and mature matches.


Keeping CS:GO Prime Status Active

Once you open the doors, you must do everything possible to stay there permanently. Show that you care about your membership in that VIP club. Doing the following things will make you stay in the Prime League in the long term:


  • Stay Active: You can maintain your Level 21 status with regular play of CS:GO. The principle is simple: the more you play, the more experience credits you get.
  • Keep Your Phone Number Linked: Ensure you retain the original phone number linked to your Steam account. You should also keep it active and verified to maintain the fairness and security of Prime matches.
  • Behave Responsibly: Play fair and don’t behave disruptively to get reports from other players. Good behavior is crucial to maintaining your CS:GO prime badge.


Keep all these things in good condition to continue enjoying the benefits of Prime Status. You must be pedantic because these actions also concern your account security.


Pros and Cons of the CS:GO Prime Status

Knowing how to get prime matchmaking CS:GO is a theme closely related to who you’ll be playing with. It indirectly affects your score, gaming experience, and overall game performance. That’s why it is vital to put the advantages and disadvantages on a scale to see whether acquiring this title is worth fighting:


  • Balanced matchmaking
  • Less likely to encounter cheaters
  • Trust and credibility
  • Original and human-like gaming


  • Requires info verifying steps or purchasing on Steam
  • Matchmaking may last longer due to fewer eligible players


As you can see, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks because you play only with players who seek genuine CS:GO experience in this league. The only adverse thing is that you might need more eligible players to make a match.


CS:GO Prime Status: The Key to Enjoying Fair and Authentic Games

How to get prime in CS:GO will help you find your road to the most authentic, unique, and human-like gaming. You will meet people with the same interests and ideas as yours. You can connect with other players seeking a legal and fair CS:GO experience.


Although you may need to make some efforts to verify your phone number and meet the criteria to qualify, it’s worth it because of the secure and competitive environment and exclusive rewards. So, if you are looking for the perfect match combinations, collect your experience points until you reach the 21st level and do your best to stay there forever.