How To Plant The Bomb In CS2

Many view CS:GO as the average FPS game, where the main objective revolves around shooting guns and neutralizing the opponent. In reality, however, that’s far from the truth. Even though polished motor skills might help you climb the ranks to a certain extent, it’s the strategic aspect that really aids the progression.


The C4, commonly referred to as the bomb, is an essential element in securing a victory in any CS:GO match. While planting an explosive at one of the two bomb sites provided might seem pretty straightforward, don’t be too quick to underestimate the process. A successful plant requires critical thinking, tactical maneuvering and a good amount of game knowledge. 

In this article, we’re taking a deep dive into the concept behind the explosive, as well as learning how to plant bomb in CS:GO and how to successfully defuse it on the opposing side. 


What Is The Bomb’s Purpose In CS:GO?

What is the most effective way to cause an absurd amount of damage while making the least effort? That’s right, by creating an explosion. Basically, the entire game is centered around the bomb. You have a team of Terrorists attempting to wreak havoc upon a specific location while a team of Counter-Terrorists is effectively trying to stop them. 

The bomb can be successfully planted at one of two specific places on the map: site A and site B. The location of those sites varies from map to map; however, in most, there is at least one bombsite located near the Counter-Terrorist spawn area. If the bomb is planted and explodes, the Terrorist team wins the round. If the Counter-Terrorists manage to defuse it in time, they’re the ones who take home the round.


How Does The Bomb Work?

At the beginning of each match, a random player on the Terrorist side is given the bomb. They can either choose to be the culprit and plant it at one of the two sites on the map, or drop it so another player can pick it up. In case the player with the bomb in hand ends up dying before or during planting it, they automatically drop it as well. 

When initiating the plant, the Terrorist player is met with a POV animation of inputting the code 7355608 on the explosive and setting it down on the designated spot marked with a red X. While the 7-digit code does not bear any particular significance, many players have come up with their own theories of its meaning.

The process of planting the bomb requires exactly 3.4 seconds and is as simple as standing in the correct location while holding down a button. The hard part of the operation is managing to stay alive during that 3.4-second time window and making sure it blows up before getting defused by one of the Counter-Terrorists. 

The bomb explodes in 40 seconds from the moment it is set up. This gives the Counter-Terrorist team a window of 40 seconds to defuse it, which means that the Terrorist side must protect it at all costs, or they will lose the match. 


Bomb Economy

Aside from kill rewards, CS:GO offers players objective rewards as well. The main objective of the game is detonating or defusing the bomb, so whichever team comes out on top at the end of the round will receive some cash rewards. 

The player on the Terrorist side who successfully manages to plant the bomb will receive a reward of $300. If 40 seconds pass without it being defused it will detonate, netting the entire Terrorist team a reward of $3,500 each. If the bomb is planted and defused before the round concludes, all Terrorists still receive a smaller reward of $800.

The case is pretty much the same on the Counter-Terrorists team. If a player on the counter-terrorist side defuses the bomb, they get a $300 reward, and they secure a $3,500 reward for each teammate, including themselves. 

If the match timer runs out before the bomb is planted, all players on the Counter-Terrorist side receive a reward of $3,250 each. 


Planting The Bomb

There are ultimately two directions that planting the bomb can lead to. Either the Terrorist team will win the round by defending it until detonation, or the Counter-Terrorist team will defuse it and conclude the round, even if some Terrorists are still alive. 

Now that we’ve covered all the important aspects of the concept, it’s time to learn how to plant bomb in CS:GO strategically and secure the victory for yourself and your team. 

Map Awareness & Control

The main rule of planting the bomb in CS:GO is to do it only if you are safe. While yelling out “rush A” or “rush B” in voice chat or spamming it in text during the beginning of a round might sound enticing, it’s quite counter-intuitive. Finding yourself in the middle of a bomb site, planting while surrounded by enemies will almost certainly lose you the round. 

Instead, you’re better off making sure that the coast is clear before even attempting a plant, as this lowers the chances of the bomb being defused by your foes. Be sure to always look at the map in the top-left corner to keep track of your teammates’ location so that you know you’re being protected. 

Healthy Communication

The voice and text chat are there for a reason. CS:GO was created by Valve with the intention of players securing a victory in a collective effort. You have to be willing to communicate with your teammates on a constant basis, in order to yield the best possible outcome throughout every single match. 

If you are given the bomb, make sure to communicate your planting intentions and your location to the other Terrorist players at all times. This will help you ensure that your back is covered during the planting sequence, as well as open the door for any guidance and feedback on when it’s the right time to initiate it. 

In case another player on your team has the bomb in hand and lets you know, ensure that you’re in close proximity to them during your map rotations. This way you will be able to have their back, as well as pick the bomb up if they end up being killed before or during the planting process. 

Understanding Post-Plant Scenarios 

If you’re on the Terrorist side and planting the bomb, you must be aware of what comes after it. Think about it like this – the moment you even attempt a plant, you instantaneously become the most important target of the Counter-Terrorists’ hit list. Each and every one of them will try to stop you from planting it and will not spare any ammo doing so. 

Remember, after planting the bomb, you must be able to defend it for 40 seconds straight, up until the moment of detonation. Throughout this time window, you might find yourself in the middle of hundreds of bullets, as the entire Counter-Terrorist team knows that the only way they will win the round is by defusing the bomb. 

As mentioned before, the game is intended to be a collective effort. You will come out on top of every match if you get along with your teammates. They are the ones that will protect you in the midst of chaos.


Steps To A Successful Bomb Plant Scenario

Teaching someone how to plant bomb in CS:GO with definite effectiveness is nearly impossible. The only things that can be taught are the rules, considerations before planting and healthy communication tips. The rest is up to your patience, combined with your ability to strategize and communicate with your teammates. Of course, being part of a not-troll team is also a plus. 

If you frequently play in competitive mode, then it’s probably safe to assume that you own at least a half-decent headset with a microphone. If not, your keyboard can be your strongest weapon if you don’t take too long to type in your intentions. An ideal bomb-planting scenario should resemble something like this: 

  • Spawn: At the beginning of a round, you are spawned within the designated Terrorist spawn zone, with the bomb in your possession.
  • Purchase weapons: Purchase your weapons, grenades and armor if you can afford them.  In competitive mode, you have exactly 20 seconds of buy time.
  • Communicate your intentions: Communicate your planting strategy with your teammates, and let them know whether you are pursuing site A or site B. 
  • Take control of the map: To minimize your failure rate, try to get as many frags as possible and take control of vital locations on the map before planting the bomb. 
  • Reach the bomb site: Make your way to the bomb site that you agreed on with your teammates when you feel like it’s safe to do so. 
  • Inform before planting: Let the rest of the team know that you are initiating the bomb plant and ensure that they are in position. 
  • Plant the bomb: Start the plant process by holding the designated key for 3.4 seconds. The default key is usually set as E. 
  • Defend the bomb: After successfully planting the bomb, make sure you’re in a safe spot where you can defend yourself from being killed and the bomb from being defused for 40 seconds. 
  • Secure the win: After holding out for 40 seconds, the bomb automatically detonates, winning you the round and rewarding your team with a juicy $3,500 each during the next one.

Defusing The Bomb

You won’t always be able to play on the Terrorist team. Learning how to defuse the bomb is as equally important as learning how to plant bomb in CS:GO. When on the opposing side, the rules of engagement regarding the bomb are similar but yet differ in their own unique way. Here’s what you can do to maximize your efficiency and be a good sport. 

Purchase Defuse Kits

There are two different ways to defuse an already-planted bomb. Your first option is to raw-dog the process without any additional tools by holding down the designated defuse key for 10 seconds straight without getting killed. Your second and smarter option is to purchase a Defuse Kit during the buy window, should you be able to afford it. 

The Defuse Kit costs $400 and reduces the defusing time to 5 seconds, instead of 10. The good thing about it is that if a fellow teammate owns one and dies, they automatically drop it, giving you an opportunity to pick it up and attempt defusing the bomb yourself. Knowing where exactly your teammate died and dropped the kit is quite helpful, so make sure to communicate. 

Defend The Sites

While camping at a certain location might be a good strat in certain situations, sometimes you’re better off being mobile on the Counter-Terrorist side. Considering that your team consists of five players in total, you can and should spread out evenly throughout the map’s hotspots and defend both of the bomb sites from a plant.

If one-half of your team is at site A and the other half at site B, this will maximize your chances of figuring out the Terrorist team’s intentions. Once a Terrorist player is spotted at one of the bomb sites, the other half of the team can rush to the location, defend it or attempt defusing. Keep in mind, though, that Terrorist players sometimes do a trick called “fake plant” where they cause a distraction at one site while planting at the other. Intuition is key. 


Steps To A Successful Bomb Defuse Scenario

If you’re on the Counter-Terrorists side and deem yourself the defuse hero, you must tread carefully, as dying out won’t help anyone. Again, teaching you how to defuse the bomb with 100% effectiveness is nearly impossible. However, we can share a successful scenario that might guide you in your future matches. Here goes:

  • Spawn: You are spawned at the designated Counter-Terrorists spawn zone, varying depending on the map that you are playing in.
  • Purchase weapons and defuse kit: Purchase your desired weapons, grenades, armor and a Defuse Kit. If a dying teammate dropped it, try to pick it up. 
  • Coordinate with your team: Make sure that your team is evenly spread out across the map. You don’t want a single player defending an entire bomb site. 
  • Take control of the map: Make sure that all of the important zones in the map are well-protected, including both of the bomb sites. 
  • Make your way to the real plant site: If you’ve caught a glimpse of an enemy player planting the bomb, try to stop them from doing so. Teammates should always communicate, and if they see the enemy team heading to another site, they should call the action, and you should make your way to the other bomb site.
  • Notify your teammates: If you’re the first person to notice a bomb plant, make sure it’s genuine and notify your team immediately through voice or text chat. 
  • Kill the planter: Do your best to execute the opponent before successfully planting the bomb. Always notice the round timer because if the enemy doesn’t plant on time, you will win the round. If they had already planted it, try to frag them regardless. 
  • Secure the site: Once the planter has been killed, secure the bomb site from any other enemies from the Terrorist team lingering around. 
  • Defuse the bomb: Make your way to the planted bomb and hold the defuse key for 5-10 seconds. The default key is set to E, same as the one that’s used for planting the device. 
  • Win the round: Now that you have successfully disarmed the bomb, you have secured the victory for your team, netting each member $3,500, as well as an extra $300 for yourself.