How To Play Music Through Mic In CS2/CS:GO

Looking for more entertainment and fun while playing CS:GO with your friends? Emmiting music through a microphone can affect your gaming experience in many ways. Creating and listening to your favorite sounds makes the game more enjoyable and develops a strong sense of community with your colleagues.


Music can also set the mood of the game. If you release some energetic notes and frequencies, you can pump the game’s mood, but if you want something to calm players down, you can play something relaxing.

Pick your headphones and surrender to the rhythm. Learn how to play music through mic in CS:GO to discover why it is essential and what psychological effect you can evoke.


Reasons to Share Music Through Your Mic

To start doing something, you need a particular reason. The motivation to play music through your mic can come from various directions. Before we get into the technical details, let’s break this topic into more information:


  • Getting in the Right Mood: Music can enhance the mood. Adding your notes can make the game funnier and more enjoyable, creating a joyful atmosphere for you and your teammates.
  • Trolling: Let’s be honest. Sometimes, you just want to have a little fun at your opponents’ expense.
  • Triggering Motivation: Producing the right music can pump you up, improve your performance, and stimulate your team.
  • Creating Your Playlist: Another way to use the mic is to create a personalized gaming experience with your favorite tracks.


Being the sound master in CS:GO opens new ways to have fun. You can also use the mic to communicate with your team when you plug it in. It could serve as a code to the game strategy. For example, you can find songs that you will internally decide whether they mean to attack, defend, or take some other action.


Items You Need to Get Started

Only begin jobs when prepared. First things first, you’ll need a few tools to get started. Here’s a quick checklist you should always have in mind whenever you begin the process:


  • A Virtual Audio Cable: This software is the bridge between your media player and your microphone input. Without this cable, you can’t send signals on the inside.
  • A Media Player: Any media player will do the job, but we advise using one that makes it easy to manage playlists.
  • Audio Software: You’ll need tools like  Voicemeeter or similar programs. These applications help you mix your audio channels effectively.
  • Soundboard (Optional):  If you want more control over the audio clips you play, you can try the exceptional EXP Soundboard.


You’ve already completed your initial steps with these items in your hands. Maybe you must adjust some in-game settings to ensure everything works smoothly.


Step-By-Step Tutorial

In this complete tutorial on how to play music through mic in CS:GO, we will explain to you every step you should take to perform this procedure correctly. Ensure you follow these instructions sequentially:

Download and Install Virtual Audio Cable

First, download and install Virtual Audio Cable (VAC). This software creates virtual audio devices that you can use to direct sound from your media player to your microphone. Go to the Virtual Audio Cable website, download the latest version, and install the software by following the on-screen instructions. When you install it, open the VAC control panel.

Configure Virtual Audio Cable

In the VAC Control Panel, create a new virtual audio cable. Set the virtual audio cable as your default playback device. To do this, right-click the speaker icon in the system tray, select “Sounds,” and go to the “Playback” tab.


Next, set the virtual audio cable as the default recording device. Go to the “Recording” tab in the Sounds window to set the virtual audio cable as the default device.

Set Up Your Audio Player

Open your preferred audio player (e.g., VLC or Winamp) to set up your audio player. Go to the audio settings and set the output device to the virtual audio cable. This procedure ensures that you channel the audio from your player to the virtual cable. Lastly, create a playlist with the music or sound effects you want to play during your CS:GO sessions.

Configure CS:GO Settings

You must adjust some CS: GO settings to ensure everything works correctly during the game. Open the settings menu and go to “Audio.” Set your audio output device to your default speakers or headphones. In the “Voice” tab, set your microphone device to the virtual audio cable. 

Quickly Check Your Setup

Test whether you’ve missed something in the procedure before playing a match to ensure everything works correctly. To do this, first open the audio player and play some tracks. If everything is okay until this moment, open CS:GO and join a match to test. Find your talk button and press it to check whether the music plays through your mic. Also, ask your friends if they hear your sounds.


Get to Perfection

Small details craft the big picture. Even though you have a unique opportunity to share your sounds in CS:GO, don’t exaggerate thinking you are in a disco. Follow these practices, and we guarantee you won’t have any problems playing your music:

Find the Ideal Volume Settings

Don’t get too loud. Balance your music and voice volume to communicate with your team normally. Use the volume controls in your audio player and the virtual audio cable control panel to control the sound output.

Be Unique and Use a Soundboard

Using a soundboard, you can give your audio a unique touch. This instrument allows you to play specific audio clips and create your beats like a DJ on a stage by clicking only one button. EXP Soundboard is a popular choice that integrates well with virtual audio cable.

Respect to Your Team and Avoid Spammy Behaviour

During gaming sessions, being constructive towards your teammates while playing music is important. Only a few people can stand distractions, especially during intense moments in the game. Coordinate with your team and appreciate the wishes of everyone on your team. Play music without being robotic to avoid annoying people. Practice delivering your music at the proper time.


Common Issues and How to Adress Them

Sometimes, it’s not weird if you face malfunctions in CS:GO due to its manufacturing complexity. Don’t get nervous or stressed during such situations. Take a deep breath, relax, be patient, and undertake the following measures when having challenging situations:

The Mic isn’t Releasing Any Sounds

Check your settings twice if you don’t hear any sounds from your mic. Go slowly to ensure the virtual audio cable is the default playback and recording device. You should also check whether the audio player delivers sound to the virtual audio cable.

The Sound is not Very Clear

Various factors can cause poor audio quality in CS:GO. The best way to detect the problem is through elimination. First, ensure that the bitrate of all your audio files is at the highest quality. Then, check the audio settings in the virtual audio cable and your audio player to provide optimal performance. Lastly, inspect your hardware to see if your sound card and headphones function correctly.

The Game is Lagging, and It feels Like Everything Is Moving in Slow Motion.

So far, no evidence shows that playing music through a mic in CS:GO can cause lag. However, if you experience issues, try lowering the quality settings in the virtual audio cable or reducing the number of audio effects in your player.


Alternative Applications

Don’t panic if you get stuck or the virtual audio cable seems too complicated. You can still achieve the same result using alternative methods. Keep these options as a backup if things start going wrong:


With this application, you can still play music through your mic. To start, simply create a new server or use an existing one. Invite a music bot like Rythm or Groovy to your server, and join a voice channel. Call the bot to enter the frequency.

Stereo Mix

The Stereo Mix picks up all the sounds on your PC. To activate it, right-click the speaker icon in the system and select “Sounds.” Then, go to the “Recording” tab, right-click it, and select “Show Disabled Devices.” You should enable “Stereo Mix” and make it a primary recording device. Lastly, make your audio player output to your speakers and change the mic to “Stereo Mix.”

VoiceMeeter Banana

The VoiceMeeter Banana is a more sophisticated version of VoiceMeeter with more features. It can manage multiple audio sources and outputs on a single computer. It is especially useful for mixing multiple audio sources, managing virtual audio devices, and improving the audio quality for streaming or recording sessions.

ClowhFish Voice Changer

This software also allows you to direct sounds to your mic. Voice changing is an additional superb feature for creating branded sounds. These options are great if you want to have fun quickly. However, remember that using a virtual audio cable is the better option. Choose a more suitable solution for your gaming needs.


Principles of Legality and Ethics

Take the life lesson that every action evokes a reaction seriously. We advise you to always stick to the ethical aspects of the community to avoid unpleasant situations. Follow the community guidelines because of their strict rules against mic spamming or disruptive behavior. Respect the server rules, and don’t play copyrighted music. Instead, use royalty-free tracks to avoid getting banned.

Ethics in CS:GO are also closely related to fair play. Do everything you can to maintain the game’s fairness, and never think of using the mic as an instrument for interruption or defocusing your opponents in the heat of battle. 


Leverage the Chance to Enjoy Your Sounds

Knowing how to play music through a mic in CS:GO is a gate to a world of fun and entertainment. You have the unique chance to enjoy the game according to your preferences. Use it any way you want. It can be your fantastic tool for team communication, making the game experience more realistic.

Remember to add a proper dose to all these things. We said it’s essential to balance things because of potential drawbacks, such as distraction, annoyance, communication disruption, or, worst case, spamming the game. Keep everything in control and enjoy the positive vibes with everyone involved in the game.