How To Transfer CS:GO Config to CS2

Counter-Strike 2 is the fifth release of the Counter-Strike series. It came out at the end of September 2023 as an updated version of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, which has been around since 2012 and is one of the most popular shooter games. Unfortunately, the new CS2 completely replaced the classic CS:GO, as many fans of the previous version are left with limited options if they still want to play it.


While most players have already made the transition to the new game, some old-school players still find it difficult. Therefore, players have been trying to carry the gameplay, commands, and everything else from CS:GO to the new game so they are more accustomed to the new CS2. That way, players can enjoy the new game without having to set everything up again. 

Learning how to transfer CS:GO settings to CS2 can ease that transition, and that is why it is a very popular tweak most experienced Counter-Strike enthusiasts make. Read our guide to learn more about CS2 where to put config files, and how to transfer them from the previous version of the game without major problems.


How do We Make Changes to the Game?

A video game is a very complex combination of codes. Every scene and event of the game is a code that runs in the background so that we can play the game. By changing the code, we can change the game. From the weapons to the characters to all the possible objects on the maps, in short, everything we see on the screen, that’s how all the patches for video games come out.

While some games are designed to prevent changes to the code because there is a risk that such changes will cause malfunctions, Counter-Strike developer Valve allows a lot of customization and code changes through the developer console. That way, we can alter the commands, the crosshair, the resolution, the HUD, video settings, and much more. 

Players make such changes all the time, most of them through the developer console. Codes work in a certain way, so we need to understand them before we can make changes. Another way of altering the game code is by changing and inserting files into the game directory. This article will concentrate on the config files that can change the game commands and certain aspects of the gameplay.


What is a Config File?

A config file consists of all the personal customization settings you make on a game. It is a .txt file that includes commands the player wants to make permanent. While changes like this can be done through the developer console while you are in the game, they often reset when you reboot the game. That is why CS players choose to create an autoexec config file and put it in the game directory so that every time they open the game, it loads their settings. 

The config file can include binds, HUD settings, and even details like preferred mouse sensitivity. The important thing is that it has to be perfectly written and compatible with the rest of the game code.

These settings can be accessed everywhere. If you do not play Counter-Strike only on your computer, you can upload the config file to a cloud, so every time you play from a different PC, you can just download the file and put it in the game directory. That way, you will always have the preferred settings without much trouble. There are even multiple popular pro players that have uploaded their config files, so everyone can find them online and put them in their game.


How Do We Locate and Set Our Own CS: GO Config File?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how we can make our own config file and locate the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive config folder to overwrite the old one. To find the CS: GO config folder, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to My Computer.
  2. Double-click on Local Disk C (or wherever your CS:GO is installed).
  3. Double-click on Program Files (x86).
  4. Double-click on Steam.
  5. Double-click on userdata.
  6. Double-click on your Steam ID.
  7. Double-click on 730.
  8. Double-click on Local.
  9. Double-click on cfg.


Now that you have located the CS:GO config folder, you can create your config file in the Notepad program. We can write it on our own, or if we struggle with the process, there are config generators online. It is important to write ‘host.writeconfig’ as the last line, and while saving the file, it is crucial to check the spelling of the file name.

Once this is done, delete the old config .txt file. You also need to launch the config file every time you launch the game. 


Where Can We Find the CS2 Config File?

Once we have found and set the CS:GO config file, we need to find where is CS2 config file. The path to the CS2 config folder is a little bit different, although it is still logical, and you can find it following the next steps:


  1. Enter My Computer.
  2. Go to Local Disk C.
  3. Double-click on Program Files (x86).
  4. Double-click on Steam.
  5. Double-click on steamapps.
  6. Double-click on common.
  7. Double-click on Counter-Strike Global Offensive.
  8. Double-click on game.
  9. Double-click on csgo.
  10. Double-click on cfg.

Transfer Your CS:GO Config to CS2

Once you have found the CS2 config location, now you only need to transfer the CS:GO config file to the CS2 config folder. You can do that with the following steps:


  • Copy the config file from the Counter-Strike Global Offensive folder.
  • Paste the config file to the Counter-Strike 2 folder.


After you copy and paste the file, you need to load the CS2 config file and activate it. To load the file, you need to:


  1. Enter the Local folder in the Program Files (x86).
  2. Add the Steam ID number in the path.
  3. Right-click CS2 in the Steam library.
  4. Click on Properties.
  5. Click on General.
  6. Click on Launch options.
  7. Add +exec [config file name].cfg.


To activate the file in Counter-Strike 2, you need to do the following:


  1. Open console
  2. Type exec [config file name].cfg
  3. Press ENTER


The next step is to check if everything works properly. The first indicator of errors and warnings will come up on the console itself. Although most of the commands translate perfectly to the new game, there are some code commands that are exclusive to Counter-Strike 2 and different from Counter-Strike Global Offensive, so some binds may not work properly. 

To fix that, you need to alter the code commands in the file slightly or make a whole new .txt file that will include the binds we would like to fix. However, with a few adjustments to the code, you should not have any problems running CS2 at your preferred gameplay and commands.



Transferring the config file helps a lot in maintaining the preferred gameplay and commands from the classic Counter-Strike Global Offensive to the new Counter-Strike 2. To do this, we have to understand how game folders work, especially CS2 where to put config, and how to launch the file properly. While some of the code commands in the new version of the game are different and you have to make adjustments for the game to work perfectly, it helps massively to make the transition from CS:GO to the new CS2. 

To set up and transfer such a file to the proper place looks like a very complex job for someone with experience. In reality, this is not the case. You can set up your CS2 config file easily. It is important to understand how the codes work and what we need to type for our codes to become part of the game. There are a lot of config generators online that can help us with the process, even are pre-made config files from some of the most popular professional players in the world that you can simply download and paste into your game directory.