How to Turn Off Auto Director in CS:GO

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) is one of the world's most popular first-person shooter games, known for its competitive gameplay and strategic depth. Among its many features, CS:GO offers an Auto Director system that automatically switches between players during a match, providing a dynamic viewing experience. This can be especially useful for live broadcasts and casual spectators. However, turning off Auto Director can be crucial for players who want more control over their viewing experience.

Understanding Auto Director

What Is Auto Director?

Auto Director is a spectator tool in CS:GO designed to enhance the viewing experience by automatically switching the camera to the most exciting and critical moments in a match. It uses an algorithm to predict where the action will occur, ensuring viewers do not miss key plays, kills, and other significant events.


Why Turn Off Auto Director?

While Auto Director can be beneficial, it may only sometimes align with your personal viewing preferences. Here are a few reasons why you might want to turn it off:

  • Personal Analysis: Manual control allows for a more focused review for those analyzing their own gameplay or that of others.
  • Spectator Control: Some spectators prefer to follow specific players or view certain parts of the map.
  • Educational Purposes: Coaches and mentors may want to highlight particular strategies or movements that the Auto Director might overlook.

Steps to Turn Off Auto Director

  • Launch CS: Begin by launching CS:GO from your Steam library. Ensure your game is current to avoid compatibility issues with the latest settings.
  • Access the Main Menu: Upon launching the game, you will be directed to the main menu. You can navigate to different game modes, settings, and other features from here.
  • Go to Your Match: Go to the match you want to watch. This could be a live match, a recorded replay, or even a demo file you have saved.
  • Open the In-Game Menu: Press the ESC key during the match to bring up the in-game menu. This menu allows you to access various options, including settings and controls.
  • Locate the Auto Director Option: The spectator options are within the in-game menu. The location of the Auto Director toggle can vary, but it is generally found in the spectator or view settings.
  • Disable Auto Director: Click on the Auto Director toggle to disable it. This will stop the automatic camera switching and give you manual control over the camera.
  • Control the Camera Manually: With Auto Director turned off, you can manually switch between players using the number keys (1-5) or the function keys (F1-F5).

Enhancing Your Viewing Experience

Turning off Auto Director is the first step in customizing your CS:GO viewing experience. Here are additional tips to further enhance how you watch matches:

Use Free Cam Mode

Free Cam mode (C key by default) allows you to move the camera freely around the map. This is ideal for getting a broader view of the action or focusing on specific areas without being tied to a player’s perspective.

Utilize the Demo UI

The Demo UI (Shift + F2 by default) offers advanced playback controls when watching replays. You can fast-forward, rewind, slow down, or speed up the playback to examine specific moments in detail.

Customize Key Bindings

Adjust your key bindings in the settings to make switching views and spectator tools more convenient. Custom vital bindings can streamline your viewing and analysis process.

Explore Third-Party Tools

Various third-party tools and mods are available that can further enhance your spectating experience. These tools often offer advanced features not available in the default game settings.



Turning off Auto Director in CS:GO allows you to tailor your viewing experience to your preferences. Whether you are a player looking to improve by reviewing your matches, a coach analyzing team strategies, or a spectator wanting to focus on specific players, disabling Auto Director puts you in control of your gaming. CS:GO turn off Auto Director offers personalized in the moment action with a detailed view of the action.