Karambit Marble Fade Fire And Ice Seed Patterns

The Karambit Marble Fade Fire and Ice is a unique hunting knife in the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) game. This Fire and Ice variant of the Marble Fade knife is considered one of the most wanted skins in the game because of its outstanding aesthetic and rarity values.


This guide delves into the Karambit Marble Fade Fire and Ice details, focusing on the seed patterns and the knife’s history. It also provides some tips about acquiring it. 

The article illuminates the uniqueness of this skin. Throughout, the reader will learn the details of this hunting knife in the game. 

So, if you are fond of buying, collecting, and trading CS:GO skins, this article is a must-read. 


Types of Karambit Marble Fade

It is categorized into at least three versions: Fire and Ice, Meridian, and Water Elemental. The Karambit Fire and Ice version is considered the most beautiful, as it features an extraordinary combination of warm red and excellent icy blue coloration. This may draw attention from some visual-oriented gamers and be visually pleasant because of its contrast, which is uncommon in other Marble Fade patterns.

So whether you are a veteran player or a new player who wants to upgrade their inventory, this article will be your best companion to learn what makes the Karambit Marble Fade Fire and Ice unique and how to get one.

The following section shows why Karambit marble fade is so special. 


Why Karambit Marble Fade Is So Special

Blades come in numerous colours and patterns, all from the same Marble Fade skin family, represented by the game’s most desired and valuable knives: the Bayonet, the M9 Bayonet, and the Butterfly Knife. Each has a distinctive palette of colours that flow together to appear from a distance like a single liquid colour.

The most distinguished component in the Marble Fade family is the karambit Fire and Ice pattern: an uncommon variation of marble where the yellow in the gradient was replaced by a gradual transition between fiery red and icy blue, thus getting its peculiar name. 

To obtain the Karambit Marble Fade Fire and Ice, perceptual skills are required to understand seed patterns so that you get the most coveted colors.

In the following outline, let’s examine the other type of knife skin with fire and ice patterns. 


Other Knife Skins With Fire and Ice Patterns In CS:GO

The Fire and Ice pattern isn’t exclusive to the Karambit Marble Fade. Several other knife skins with the Marble Fade pattern – such as the Bayonet, the M9 Bayonet, and the Butterfly Knife – offer their spin on the Fire and Ice design.

Here’s a bit on some of them:

Bayonet Marble Fade

The name says it all: this is an old classic with a long, narrow blade leading into a sharp tip. The Fire and Ice pattern makes for a s blue-to-red transition, which is especially sought-after—without the yellow, red, and blue, it pops, making every vertical or horizontal slice through space an instant art installment. 

It’s one of my favorite knives because it features the kind of classic knife design I’ve loved since I was a kid while offering the aggressive new-wave colors of the Fire and Ice variant. 

M9 Bayonet Marble Fade

The M9 Bayonet Marble Fade is very popular because of its aggressive look. Naturally, the Fire and Ice version is much more liked because the larger blade area allows for better expression and attractiveness when simulating gradients. 

M9 Bayonet Fire and Ice are sought after by collectors and players because of their impressive ‘beastly’ look and the undoubted beauty they add to the inventory. 

Butterfly Knife Marble Fade

It’s also notable for its flipping animation, which displays the Fire and Ice pattern in an entirely new way. The red and blue bursts spin along and across the blade, as the player performs flip movements. The appeal of the Butterfly Knife Marble Fade is in the flipping animation, not just the color, making it a popular item for players looking for flash and style.


Karambit Seed Patterns Explained

With each skin having its pattern template, it’s precisely determined what it will look like, right down to the last pixel. As they’re known, these base seed patterns or pattern indexes can help turn one knife into hundreds of thousands of knife skins that, in some cases, run the gamut of patterns, ranging from absurd extravagance to insultingly filthy. 

One particular knife (below) can have up to two million potential patterns, but only a dozen or so are deemed rare – and only one or two are deemed genuinely elite.

For example, for a Karambit Marble Fake, the seed patterns are based on the number where at least 25 repeating digits can be found without the repetition of any number. 

The Fire and Ice pattern usually appears within specific ranges—number values—of seeds that players and collectors track. This is how one could track down fire and ice. 

Some of the most renowned seeds are 412, 381, and 444, which produce the most aesthetically pleasing and balanced Fire and Ice compositions.

In the following outline, we’ll share some fantastic examples of seed patterns.


Notable Seed Patterns for Fire and Ice Karambit

Seed 412

Seed 412 is well known for reliably generating an excellent red and blue Fire and Ice look that transitions beautifully, with each hue being the exact right amount. The seed is famous for these reasons and sells for much money.


  • High Visual Appeal: The even ratio between the red and blue gradient makes this seed highly contrasting and visually pleasing.


  • Market Value: Because of their demand, Karambit Marble Fade knives cost more than Seed 412. 


  • Rarity: This seed is quite rare, making it difficult to find.


  • Cost: Because of its extreme popularity and scarcity, the stake whose seed this knife is will command a considerable premium. 

Seed 381

Seed 381 provides another classic seed for the Fire and Ice pattern. In this case, the red and blue sections are even more neatly isolated from one another, which gives the ‘fire and ice’ difference a striking appearance that is another famous collector’s pearl.


  • Precise Cuts: The image has red and blue pixels cleanly separated. This produces high contrast and visible intensity (stroboscopic effect), which is very attractive. 


  • Improved Fire/Ice Contrast: The extreme color contrast emphasizes the fire/ice theme.


  • Difficult to Find: Seed 381, like Seed 412, is hard to find. 


  • Premium Price: Seed: high demand and often quite expensive. This is where ‘gorging’ usually takes place.

Seed 444

Seed 444 has a very similar gradient but is one orchid shade darker, so it must be in the Fire and Ice category, which also looks nice.


  • Unique Appearance: Although Seed 444 is essentially a variant of Fire and Ice, its subtly recombined hues lend it a ruderal impression (ruderal: of or relating to human artifacts or vegetation growing in disturbed or glacial soils).


  • Desirable Pattern: It yet preserves salubrious Fire and Ice, rendering it highly sought-after. 


  • Recognition: It’s neither as distinctive as Seeds 412 nor as clearly ‘celery-colored’ as the head of 381, which will impact its perceived market value. 


  • Market Variability: The look is highly distinctive and not to everyone’s taste, so modern artists’ pricing and demand vary.

Other Notable Seeds

Seeds such as 670 and 679, similar in color but with lighter or darker distributions within the plantlet, are also collected for Fire and Ice purposes. It probably boils down to personal taste.


  • Variety: These seeds offer another color scheme and slight differences from the fire and ice pattern for collectors who like more variety. 


  • Appeal to Different Tastes: Various shade distributions speak to contrasting aesthetic preferences, speaking to varied crowds. 


  • Lower Recognition: These seeds are less likely to be recognized on sight as the cream of the crop, which could mean lower market appeal and value.


  • Market Price Variations: When desired little, the market price will fall, but if significantly desired, the price will rise, making the items more challenging to predict.


Seed patterns such as 412, 381, and 444 have a unique and visually appealing color gradient. These seeds have a high market value and a more attractive look; however, they’re not that common and come at a very premium price. Seeds like 670 and 679 give you a variety of choices and flavors. 

If one isn’t your favorite, you always have the other one. 

Now you know the Fire and Ice Karambit Marble Fade’s seed patterns.

So how do you acquire fire and ice karambit? Check out the next section to find out.


How To Acquire the Fire and Ice Karambit 

There are several ways of obtaining a Fire and Ice Karambit Marble Fade in CS:GO:

Opening Cases:

The most exciting but risky path is a case opening, in which a Karambit Marble Fade can be found in the Chroma Case, but the Fire and Ice pattern is scarce. 


Buying it directly from the Steam Market or third-party websites is an option, but expect to pay extra for the rarity of the Fire and Ice variant. 

Tips for Purchasing:

  • Compare prices: Check multiple sources to get the best deal.


  • Remember to double-check the knife you are purchasing against the serial number against your ticket and check you have the correct seed pattern.


Let’s look at some fantastic gloves that will go with your newly acquired karambit knife.

Gloves That Go Well With Karambit Fire and Ice

Choosing gloves that complement the Karambit Fire and Ice can enhance the overall visual appeal of your CS loadout. 

Check out some glove suggestions that complement the Fire and Ice pattern’s intense hues of red and blue

1. Bloodhound Gloves | Guerrilla

With an almost militaristic color scheme of black and dark red, the rough exterior of the glove conceals a knife that will be welcomed by his ‘sister’ and fellow bloodthirsty companion if he manages to bring it back. The glove’s reddish color nicely complements the knife’s red hue, while the black surrounding it gives the objects a stark, dark contrast.

2. Specialist Gloves | Crimson Kimono

The red-colored glove, with detailed patterns, pairs impressively with the Karambit part of the Fire and Ice, as the rich crimson goes well with the red part of the knife.

3. Sport Gloves | Superconductor

These gloves are primarily black with the accent in blue, and yes, they look fantastic! The gloves’ black/blue color scheme harmonizes well with the black/blue section of Fire and Ice, creating a balanced color sense.

4. Driver Gloves | Crimson Weave

Red and black woven gloves look stylish and sophisticated. This color of the gloves complements the red of the Karambit Fire and Ice and, at the same time, adds the taste of sophistication due to black.

Next, let’s look at how to verify the seed pattern using CS Float.  


How to Use CS Float to Verify Karambit Seed Pattern

To do this, a player must have the CS Float tool installed on his computer, as the program’s unique feature allows him to cross-check the float of a skin, the value of the seed,, and several operations done with them. 

Follow this step-by-step instructions on how to use CS Float to determine your skin’s float.

Step 1: Visit the CS Float Website

  • Open your web browser and go to the CS Float website.
  • Ensure you are logged into your Steam account to access all features.

Step 2: Find the Karambit Marble Fade

  • If you already have one of the Karambit Marble Fade in your inventory, proceed to the next step. If you still need to, try to find the skin in the marketplace or trade offers.
  • Note the skin’s Inspect in Game link or its item ID.

Step 3: Access the Inspect Tool 

  • The “Inspect in Game” box is located on the CS Float homepage.
  • Paste in the Inspect in Game link or knife item ID, hit Submit, and rest your greedy little fingers on the mouse.

Step 4: Analyze the Float Value and Seed Pattern

  • You will be told about the resultant skin, its float value, and pattern index (seed pattern) upon submission. 
  • It is critical to match the fire and ice phenotype because the key to this variation lies in its pattern index: seek those seeds with the 412, 381, or 444 pattern index.

Step 5: Verify the Pattern Index

  • Double-check with pattern indexes online or in community craft boards to ensure the pattern name matches Fire and Ice. 
  • Use visual inspection tools on CS Float to view the skin and confirm the absence of yellow, ensuring a smooth transition between red and blue. 

Step 6: Make an Informed Decision

  • Once verified, you can decide to proceed with the purchase or trade. Use the information provided by CS Float to negotiate trades or evaluate market listings confidently.

Simple Tips For Acquiring Collectors

  • Research: Brush up on what seeds should look like and the value they should be sold for. CS trading communities, Reddit, and dedicated websites help with this.


  • Patience: It may take some time to find the ultimate Fire and Ice Karambit, so take your time buying; wait for the right price for the right one. 


  • Network with the Community: Join CS trading forums and social media groups where members share trading tips, post trading opportunities, and discuss current market status.


  • Check First: Check the knife before buying it! As usual. INSPECT! Check the knife in-game if you are not sure. 


The Karambit Marble Fade Fire and Ice is not just a skin. It is part of the world of CS and is considered a sign of class regarding in-game status. This is an invaluable tool for showcasing your skills and demonstrating how far you have gone to perfect your skills. Knowing the seed patterns and where to find this skin will increase your chances of owning this prized addition.

From a trader who has been in the game for years to a novice collector, this guide can help you acquire a Fire and Ice Karambit based on your preferences. Whether it’s by noticing cheeky patterns in seeds or ignoring the premium added to skin and only buying when it suits your budget, you now have the tools to make the right decision the next time you’re faced with a Fire and Ice Karambit. 

Happy Hunting 



Can Fire and Ice Karambit Pattern affect gameplay in CS:GO? 

Not really, because the Fire and Ice pattern – like all other skins in CS:GO – is strictly cosmetic. It doesn’t affect the gameplay, such as altering the weapon’s performance, aiming, or anything else. 

Skins are all about the player experience – they’re purely for aesthetic effect and a means by which players can customize their inventory.

How do I check a Karambit Marble Fade’s pattern index (seed)?

To check the number on a Karambit Marble Fade, open your inventory and view the knife. Your pattern index (seed) for that knife is below the item description. 

You can also do this by using third-party online tools and websites and entering the required knife details to get information on its pattern and float rating.

What is the float value, and does it impact the Fire and Ice pattern?

Its value can be explained as a float representing the wear level of a particular skin in CS:GO, which goes from Factory New (0.00) to Battle-Scarred (1.00). 

The float value will alter the cosmetic state of the skin but not the pattern index. A lower float is desirable and makes an item more valuable, including Fire and Ice patterns.