MAC-10 Case Hardened Blue Gem Seed Patterns

The MAC-10 | Case Hardened is a unique-looking and hugely popular skin in CS2 - especially the Blue Gem variants. The fact that these rare patterns are mainly blue in color is one of the main reasons that they are so sought after - by both collectors and players. Here, we'll look at everything you need to know about it - and more!

The History of the MAC-10 Case Hardened Blue Gem

The MAC-10 | Case Hardened Blue Gem was first introduced with the release of Operation Riptide on September 21, 2021. The Case Hardened finish, which is created through a meticulous process – that involves high temperatures and wood charcoal, ends up in a very distinctive mix of blue, yellow, and purple hues – all with varying values.

Among these various patterns, we have the Blue Gem color case-hardened, which is easily the most coveted. With its blue surface, the Blue Gem pattern has always been a favorite with players because it’s a skin that is both rare – and incredibly nice to look out. The more blue, the more valuable…

Since then, the MAC-10 | Case Hardened Blue Gem has become a symbol of prestige in the trading community and to this day it is still one of the most sought-after skins, thanks to its beauty and the challenges you face trying to get that perfect Blue Gem pattern.


What is a MAC-10?

Then, we have to look at the weapon itself, The MAC-10. This is a basically submachine gun featured in the game that is renowned for its high rate of fire and, more importantly, its affordability. This weapon is only available to the Terrorist side and is usually used in the early rounds when you have less funds to play around with. The MAC-10 has rapid-fire capabilities – which makes it ideal for close-range shots – so you can quickly kill off your opponents in confined spaces.

Whilst it has plenty of advantages, the MAC-10 isn’t the perfect weapon by any means – with its high recoil, poor spread accuracy and limited accuracy at long range. As such, it’s more of a situational weapon that is better for aggressive, close-quarters combat. That being said, its high damage output definitely compensates for its lack of precision, and it’s a great choice for rushing strategies and surprise attacks.

As well as being a highly functional weapon, the MAC-10 is also popular with players thanks to its wide range of skins – which means you get to personalize it to your in-game appearance. And the Case Hardened skin – especially the rare Blue Gem pattern, is one of the very best.


What is a Blue Gem?

Basically, in CS2, Case Hardened skins tend to have a mix of blue and yellow colors. However, the Blue Gem patterns are those where it’s mainly blue – normally covering practically all the surface – the less yellow it has, the better and more valuable it is. Blue Gems are basically the rarest and most sought-after patterns for any Case Hardened skins – and are considered a great investment if you know what you’re looking for.


How to Identify Blue Gem Patterns

To identify a Blue Gem pattern, you’ll need to examine the pattern index of the MAC-10 Case Hardened. Here’s how to pick out a valuable Blue Gem…

  1. A Mainly Blue Surface: The more blue on the surface, the more it’s worth.
  2. Fewer Other Colors: A true Blue Gem will have very little… preferably no yellow or other colors visible.

The Top Blue Gem Seed Patterns

Tier 1 Blue Gems

  • Pattern 670: Almost entirely blue on one side with very few other colors.
  • Pattern 269: Mainly blue but with a few yellow spots.
  • Pattern 387: Mostly blue with a little yellow.

Tier 2 Blue Gems

These patterns also have a lot of blue but come with more yellow or other colors than Tier 1 patterns.

  • Pattern 421: Has large blue areas with a few small yellow spots.
  • Pattern 415: The blue still dominates, but it has some scattered yellow.
  • Pattern 738: Extensive blue with minimal yellow.

Tier 3 Blue Gems

These patterns mainly have blue coverage but include a bit more yellow or other colors compared to Tier 1 and 2 patterns.

  • Pattern 390: Balanced blue and yellow, but the blue is more prominent.
  • Pattern 541: Blue areas are more than yellow, but not overwhelmingly so.

Pattern 612: Significant blue but with obvious patches of yellow.


A Closer Look at the Most Valuable MAC-10 Blue Gem Pattern Seeds

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most expensive and rare patterns to look out for:

  1. Pattern Seed #444
    • Description: This one is widely considered to be the most prestigious MAC-10 Blue Gem pattern, with an almost entirely blue finish and virtually no yellow or gold accents. Indeed, this pattern is often considered the ‘crown jewel’ of MAC-10 Case Hardened skins.
    • Market Value: Thanks to its rarity and desirability, you’ll have to pay a pretty price for this pattern on the open market – often selling for thousands of dollars depending on the condition, so you’ll need to save up for this.
  2. Pattern Seed #670
    • Description: This is another highly sought-after pattern, with a bright blue hue covering a significant portion of the MAC-10’s surface. The blue is pure and striking, which makes this pattern a very close competitor to Seed #444.
    • Market Value: Unsurprisingly, this seed is also highly valued, with prices tending to range from the high hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on the skin’s wear and whether it includes StatTrak.
  3. Pattern Seed #777
    • Description: This pattern is known for its distinct blue coloring – and has a stunning-looking and nearly full-blue finish. This pattern is hugely popular with those collectors who are hunting down the rarest and most visually impressive skins.
    • Market Value: Like the other top patterns, Seed #777 can go for a very high price – often in the same range as Seeds #444 and #670.
  4. Pattern Seed #661
    • Description: This pattern is famed for its consistent blue spread, which creates a beautiful and uniform appearance that is highly prized by CS players and collectors.
    • Market Value: Seed #661 is another very valuable pattern that can reach similar price points as the top Blue Gems, thanks to its popularity and rarity.
  5. Pattern Seed #999
    • Description: This is another seed with a predominantly blue finish – coming with slight variations that make each skin unique. This pattern is very aesthetically appealing and the slight touches of other colors really accentuate the blue.

Market Value: This pattern also costs quite a lot – with its prices reflecting its status as one of the most sought-after and valuable MAC-10 Case Hardened skins.


The Factors That Influence the Price of a MAC 10 Case Hardened Skin

How much one of these skins can sell for depends on a number of factors:

  • Wear Level: The condition of the skin (Factory New, Minimal Wear, Field-Tested, etc.) can have a massive impact on the value. Factory New and Minimal Wear conditions are generally the most expensive.
  • StatTrak: Skins with StatTrak, which tracks the number of kills you make with the weapon, will normally sell for a higher price than their non-StatTrak counterparts.
  • Demand and Rarity: The rarity and demand for specific patterns will also affect their market prices. The most blue-dominant patterns are the rarest and generally the most valuable.

How to Get a MAC-10 Blue Gem

There are various ways you can get your hands on a MAC-10 Blue Gem – as follows:


Trade-offs with other players are a popular way to get your hands on a MAC-10 Blue Gem. Here’s how you can go about it:

  1. Use Trading Forums and Communities: Websites such as Reddit, Steam forums, and dedicated CS2 trading sites are great places to get started.
  2. Be Patient and Persistent: Finding the exact Blue Gem pattern you want can take a bit of time. Be prepared to negotiate – and possibly trade more than one item to get what you want.
  3. Check Steam Market and Third-Party Sites Regularly: Check listings for Blue Gem patterns regularly so that you are ready to act quickly when they do appear.

Case Openings

The MAC-10 | Case Hardened can be found in the CS Weapon Case 2. As such, opening cases is another method, although this is all about luck, and you aren’t guaranteed to get what you want, no matter how much you spend:

  1. Buy Cases and Keys: You can buy cases and keys from the Steam Market or other players.
  2. Open Cases: Then, use the keys to open the cases – in the hope of getting a Case Hardened MAC-10 with a Blue Gem pattern.
  3. Understand the Odds: However, you do need to understand that the chances of getting a Blue Gem are very slim – and this method can be expensive and unpredictable.

Buying from Marketplaces

Buying the skin directly from a marketplace is usually the most straightforward way to get a Blue Gem:

  1. Steam Community Market: Make sure you regularly check listings for a MAC-10 Case Hardened skin and look out for Blue Gem patterns.
  2. Third-Party Marketplaces: There are various other third-party sites that may have Blue Gems listed. However, only use a reputable site so that you avoid scammers.

Trade-Up Contracts

Although this is less common for trying to get a specific pattern, trade-up contracts can occasionally serve up a MAC-10 Case Hardened – although it isn’t necessarily the best option:

  1. Collect Required Skins: First, you’ll need to gather skins of the same quality tier and use the trade-up contract.

Hope for the Best: The outcome is random – and getting a Blue Gem pattern through this method is rare and unpredictable, so don’t expect too much!


Tips for Identifying and Valuing Blue Gems

Here’s how you can identify and value a MAC-10 blue gem.

  1. Inspect Before You Buy: Always carefully inspect the skin in-game or through screenshots to confirm the pattern and condition before you buy it.
  2. Check Market Prices: Compare prices across different platforms to make sure that you’re getting a good deal.
  3. Understand Float Values: The float value of a skin reflects its wear and appearance. The lower the float value, the more desirable it is.


Ultimately, the MAC-10 | Case Hardened Blue Gem patterns are some of the most coveted and impressive skins in CS2. They have a stand-out blue coloring and a rarity that makes them hugely popular with both players and collectors. However, whether you choose to trade, open cases, or buy them directly from a marketplace, you need patience and diligence to get the Blue Gem you’re after. So, be careful, stick to a budget – and good luck adding this beautiful skin to your collection. Happy hunting!


MAC-10 Case Hardened Blue Gem FAQs

What is a MAC-10 Case Hardened Blue Gem?

A MAC-10 Case Hardened Blue Gem is a popular and valuable skin in CS that has a mainly blue finish with minimal or no other colors. This skin looks incredible and is rare, which makes it a favorite among collectors and players.

How can I get a MAC-10 Case Hardened Blue Gem?

You can get a MAC-10 Case Hardened Blue Gem through various methods, including trading, buying from a marketplace and opening cases, although opening cases is unpredictable, and the chances of getting a Blue Gem pattern from your box are extremely low.

Which are the most valuable Blue Gem pattern seeds?

Some of the most valuable Blue Gem pattern seeds are: #444, #670, #777, #661, and #999, which are known for the amount of blue on the skin.

What affects the value of a MAC-10 Case Hardened Blue Gem?

The value is influenced by various factors, including:

  • Pattern Seed: Some seeds are more popular thanks to the amount of blue they have – a little color other than blue is OK – but the more blue, the better.
  • Wear Level: Skins in Factory New or Minimal Wear conditions are more valuable. The float value ranges between 0.00 to 1.000 and there is also a souvenir version which can get a higher price.
  • StatTrak: Skins with StatTrak, which records kills, will usually sell for higher prices.