Strategy Guide For Profiting In CSGO Roulette

Some players don’t find enough satisfaction in raking in headshots in Counter-Strike. Instead, many players find pleasure by gambling Counter-Strike skins in hopes of high payouts. One of the most popular gambling games is Roulette, which is available on almost every CSGO gambling site. In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about Roulette and the best strategies to print some money.

Understanding CSGO Roulette 

Before we jump into strategies for profiting in Roulette, it is crucial to understand the rules of the game and the odds you’re up against.


CSGO Roulette is inspired by the real-life casino game, which is pretty obvious. However, in casinos, Roulette features a total of 37 numbers, 18 of them being red, 18 black, and a singular green number. In CSGO, gambling sites have essentially halved the numbers.


CSGO Roulette includes a total of 15 numbers, 7 red numbers, 7 black ones, and a green number. With this in mind, here are the odds and payouts you can expect to see when playing CSGO Roulette.


Color Odds Payout
Red 46.67% 2x
Black 46.67% 2x
Green 6.66% 14x


Betting on red or black is essentially a 50/50 bet, which will return double your wager. However, the roll might hit green once in a while, which will return fourteen times your wager.


When players bet without a strategy, it is usually wise to bet on either red or black, and put around 10% of the bet amount on green in case it hits. Going all in on a 50/50 color and having green as the outcome is one of the most painful feelings in the world.


Managing your bankroll

Now that we’ve understood Roulette and how the game works, we must address one more thing before we get into the best CSGO Roulette strategies. Unless you’re a millionaire, gambling is a dangerous game as you can come out with losses. So, it is vital to set strict budgets and sizings before playing Roulette.

Set a budget

Before engaging in gambling activities, you must determine your bankroll. Carefully assess how much money you have, and decide how much money you’re ready to risk. You should only play with money you can afford to lose!


Divide your bankroll into smaller units. For example, if you have $100, you can split it into 20 units, with one unit being $5. Doing this will reduce the risk of losing all your money quickly, which can help prevent tilting and emotional betting.

Set bet sizings

After dividing your bankroll into units, decide how many units you’d like to play with for a spin. In the CSGO Roulette strategies we’ll cover, you’ll see that setting a base sizing is important for slow and steady profit.


Using the units method discussed earlier, most CSGO gamblers would set their initial bet sizing to 1 or 2 units, which usually amounts to 5-10% of their total balance.


Best CSGO Roulette strategies

Now, let’s go over the most popular Roulette betting strategies that are used in real casino betting, not only in CSGO.

Martingale Strategy

The Martingale strategy is highly prevalent in the gambling world for game modes that offer 50/50 odds and 2x payouts, making Roulette a perfect example to apply this strategy on.


The first step of the Martingale strategy is to choose a base sizing. For this example, let’s say you’ll put up $10 per spin. Now, the main principle of this strategy is to double your bet after every loss.


Let’s say you lose your first bet, so you’re down $10. This means your next bet will be $20, $40, $80, and so on. However, if you win, return to your original sizing of $10. Every time you win a bet, you will rake in a profit of $10 for a Martingale round.


Imagine that we lose three rounds in a row, but win the fourth. So, we would be down $10 + $20 + $40, which amounts to $150. However, since we won our fourth bet where we placed $80, we would receive $160 in returns, amounting to $10.


For this strategy, make sure to stick to the same color. If you started the Martingale round betting on black, keep betting on black until you win or decide to stop.


The Martingale strategy requires patience, as you’re building the bankroll slowly but steadily. The biggest ally and enemy of this strategy are “trains,” meaning the outcomes keep landing on the same color for five or more rounds in a row.


The only way to lose money doing this strategy is if you fall victim to a train of the opposite color. Since you’re doubling your bet all the time, this strategy can really eat out your balance if you don’t hit it in a while.


As a result, you must have a large bankroll to execute this strategy, or choose a small initial bet sizing. Doing either of the two will give you more lives to play with as losses can be sustained.

Reverse Martingale Strategy

We have just talked about the Martingale strategy, but there is also the Reverse Martingale strategy, which is essentially the opposite. Instead of doubling your bet every time you lose, you double your bet every time you win and reset once you lose.


The Reverse Martingale strategy is fit for players who enjoy the thrill of gambling, and want to collect the maximum amount of winning possible in a short time span. Again, let’s use $10 as our base bet for the example below.


If you win your first bet of $10, double it and place $20 on your next bet. Keep going until you lose. Once you have lost a round, return to your original sizing of $10. So, if you were to win three in a row, you would win $10 + $20 + $40, totaling to $70 in three rounds from a base bet of only $10.


Similar to the regular Martingale strategy, it is advised to stick to the same color for every Reverse Martingale round. Choose between red or black and continue betting on the same color until you lose. With this strategy, trains are your best friend.


This strategy gives you as much money as possible during win streaks, meaning you have the opportunity to multiply your balance by a ton. However, a single loss can erase multiple wins if you get too greedy. Even though they are on a win streak, most players choose to reset the cycle after three wins in a row, even if they have not lost yet.


The Reverse Martingale strategy requires you to have lots of self control. Don’t get too carried away! You can be on a massive heater, but winning six or seven rounds in a row seems unlikely for a 50/50 game like Roulette.

D’Alembert Strategy

Though the Martingale strategy is a relatively safe one, you can get even more cautious by using the D’Alembert strategy. It is perfect for players with a lot of patience and self control.


The main idea of this strategy is to increase your bet by one unit after each loss, and bring it back to the initial bet if you win. We’re going back to the unit system we discussed earlier, as such sizings are required to execute the D’Alembert strategy.


Let’s say you have a bankroll of $100 and split it into 10 units, meaning each is valued at $10. Your first bet should be at least 1 unit, so let’s say we’ll start with $10. If you win your initial bet, bet $10 again since it was your sizing to begin with, so your next bet should be $10. However, if you lose your initial bet, increase the bet size to $20, since we’re adding a unit every time we lose.


When on a losing streak, you can continue increasing your bet size by one unit for as long as you want. However, it may not be worth it if you’re losing more than four times in a row. Since we’re not doubling our bet like the Martingale system, you won’t make your money back if you lose four times in a row and win once on the fifth.


Similar to the previous strategies we’ve covered, the D’Alambert strategy should also be used by betting on the same color between red or black until you decide to start another round.


Still, the D’Alambert strategy is much safer than the Martingale or Reverse Martingale strategies. This strategy requires players not to tilt and bet emotionally. It is a low risk, low reward type of plan.

Fibonacci Sequence Strategy

You’re probably wondering where you’ve heard “Fibonacci Sequence” before, and it’s probably from your high school math class. This real-world sequence can be used as a gambling strategy.


To recap, the Fibonacci Sequence is a sequence in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. So, the first few numbers of the sequence are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and so on. We can use these numbers in correspondence to gambling units, as discussed above.


The idea is to follow the sequence and match your next bet with the following number after every loss. In this case, we can skip the first “1” of the sequence. After losing your first bet, up the sizing to 2 units, then 3, then 5, and so on. Once you have finally won a bet, you can return back to a unit per bet.


The gradual increase of unit sizes ensures that there is reduced risk of large losses, since you will eventually win your money back after following the sequence. Similar to all the methods discussed on the list, you should continue betting on the same color after every loss. Trains are your best friend or worst enemy, depending on which color you have chosen.


However, you must carefully track your previous bets to ensure you are not losing track of the sequence. If you lose track, you might find yourself at a loss after winning a bet. Additionally, the profits are relatively modest since you’re not doubling sizings after every loss like the Martingale method.


You must approach this strategy carefully, and it’s not the most popular one out there. Still, the losses won’t be too big, making this method less risky to profit off.

Flat Betting

Flat betting is the easiest strategy, and is what most players use when playing CSGO Roulette. As the name suggests, you are constantly betting the same amount each time, regardless of winning or losing your bet. For example, you would always bet $10 every time and strictly stick to it.


Ideally, your sizing should be 1 or 2 units. Once you have selected how much to stake, make sure to stick to it to avoid large losses that can lead to tilting and emotional betting. We all know how bad that can end up.


Unlike the other methods, you can use your gut to choose which color to bet on. You don’t have to stick to a single color all the time, since you don’t have to double your bet after a specific outcome.


The flat betting method allows for slow profit accumulation, since you are sticking to a unit at a time. Additionally, winning or losing streaks don’t matter as much, since you’re not changing the sizing of your bets.


This method is recommended if you’re just looking to kill some time playing Roulette without a clear goal of how you want to walk out with. Flat betting also does not require players to keep track of their previous bets; you don’t have to think much when using this method.

Bonus: Cover Your Greens!

Though betting on black and red is close to 50/50 odds, there is still a slight chance that it will land on green. Many Roulette players recommend covering greens by placing around 10% of your sizing.


Most players feel terrible after betting a large sum of money on red or black, only to see that the result was green in the end. Missing a green tilts a lot of CSGO Roulette players, so placing 10% of your stake on green every round could be a decent price to pay to avoid emotional betting.


Additional things to remember

Aside from the raw Roulette strategy, there are also more ways for players to make maximum use out of gambling sites. Here are a few notable tips you should keep in mind.

Use reliable gambling sites

It is important to only play CSGO Roulette on reputable websites so you don’t get scammed unnecessarily. Make sure you are selecting a trustworthy website that is used by thousands of players regularly.


The most important thing to look for in a Roulette CSGO gambling site is a functional provably fair system. “Provably fair” is a prevalent term in the gambling industry, which ensures that the outcome of all games on the website is entirely random and cannot be tampered with.


Unverified websites lacking a provably fair system have the ability to take advantage of you by potentially rigging the games you play. So, make sure to only play on reliable gambling sites.

Take advantage of bonuses and promotions

Finally, you should also remember that most CSGO gambling sites offer players with different forms of bonuses and promotions. These rewards can range from deposit bonuses or free stuff like cases or spins.


Additionally, some websites have a leveling system where players can earn experience points by wagering website credit. Typically, leveling up will give players better rewards. To level up easily, you can place bets on both red and black to increase your total wagers on the website.


You can bet on both sides multiple times with a specific sum of money, or rip it all in to get it done quickly. Just pray that it doesn’t hit green!