The Ultimate Mirage Smokes Guide



Mirage is the only map that hasn’t been removed from the CS: GO and CS2 map pool and also has been a part of every single CS Major. But even though it’s been around for so long, it’s still the most picked map by pro teams, and Premier players as well

However, despite its popularity, it seems that Mirage players enjoy sight-seeing rather than actually knowing the map i.e. the smoke lineup. So, if you’re finally ready to boost your Mirage win rate to more than 50%, it’s time to learn some of the best Mirage smoke lineups.

This article is the ultimate Mirage smoke guide that will provide you with all the necessary lineups to ensure you can take over the A or B site with minimal casualties.

Let’s get to it!


T Side, A Site

Taking over A-site is never an easy task on Mirage because the whole site is wide open. So, you’ll need the following smokes to block as much CT visibility as possible:

  • Stairs smoke
  • CT smoke
  • Jungle smoke

Let’s have a look at those lineups!

A Site Stairs Smoke

This smoke will block off any CTs that are trying to peek ramp or palace from stairs. It also blocks a bit of vision from those coming from jungle.

To consistently hit this lineup, from T spawn, head towards ramp and jump on the small platform near scaffolding, stand at the corner of the platform (closer to ramp), and look towards the scaffolding pillar closest to the wall. Put your crosshair above the small ledge on the building wall, between the wall and the scaffolding right in the middle, and do a left-click throw.

Test this lineup a couple of times in practice and you should start getting it pretty consistently.

CT Smoke

Blocking off CT spawn and ticket is just as important as this is the perfect place for an AWP to post up. This is also an easy lineup, so you should be able to learn it in no time.

On the opposite side of the platform you used for the stairs smoke, you’ll see a door. Stand right next to it and turn towards ramp. Look up and you’ll see a lantern, and to the left of it, a small pillar/post on top of the wall. Put your crosshair on the bottom-left of the post and left-click jump throw.

If you’re unfamiliar with jump throws, they are pretty easy to do in CS2 compared to CS: GO. You don’t need special jump-throw binds, all you need to do is throw the grenade while your character is going upwards during the jump. If you throw it while falling, you will mess up the smoke. 

Jungle Smoke

The jungle smoke is the final piece of the puzzle to take over the A site as it connects with the stairs smoke to completely block off visions from that part of the map.

To throw this smoke, climb up on the scaffolding and move closer to the A site ramp. You should see two posts on top of the wall towards A site. On the opposite side of those two posts, you should see a pillar/ledge, stand right in the middle, turn towards the wall again set your crosshair right between the two posts, and left-click throw.

This one will require a bit of trial and error to ensure that you won’t leave any gaps when smoking jungle.

T-Side, Mid

Both T and CTs should constantly be fighting to take and hold control of mid. CTs need to hold it as long as possible because Ts can split B from mid to B and through apartments, or A site through connector. Ts can also boost through window and flank through CT spawn and market.

But, to take over mid as a T, you will need the following lineups:

  • Window smoke
  • Connector smoke
  • Top mid/cat smoke

Window Smoke

This might be one of the more difficult lineups on Mirage, but it’s also the most important smoke. So, if you want to win, you will definitely need to learn this one to take mid control. Here’s what you need to do:

While in T-spawn, hug the front of the trash can and take a look at the top right of the building. You’ll notice the building has a white ledge/outline around it, you’ll want to place your crosshair on the bottom left side of that ledge (of the top-right corner). Then hold D for about half a second, and jump throw.

You’ll notice your character very slowly moving to the right when holding D. You can use that as an indicator to learn the right timing when to jump throw.

Top Mid Smoke

To block off CT vision from both window and cat, you can use the top mid smoke. This one starts at the trash can, but don’t worry, it’s much easier.

Get on top of the trash can, look at the red building again, and aim at the top-right corner of the antenna (the last antenna rod) and just left-click throw.

Connector smoke

From T-spawn, start moving towards B, go down the stairs, and past the metal gate, you’ll see a deep corner on the right side. Tuck into it, look towards mid and you’ll see a carpet hanging from a building. This will be your lineup.

Aim for the middle of the lowest point of the shadow of the carpet and jump-throw. This should land on the stairs of connector and block off all vision.


T Side, B Site

Taking B site without smoking off market and short is a suicide, especially when rushing through apartments. For B, you’ll need the following lineups:

  • Market door smoke
  • Market window smoke
  • Short smoke (optional)

Market Door Smoke

While going B, once you go through TV apps/hallway, stick into the corner on the right, so you’ll be on the opposite side of underpass stairs. Look up in the middle of the two buildings, aim at the top of the left building, and left-click jump throw.

Market Window Smoke

Right after, from that same position in the corner, you should smoke off window. Aim at the highest point in the middle of the left building and jump throw.

Short Smoke

While the short smoke isn’t always necessary when taking B since most of the time, you will already have taken the site before CTs can rotate through short. But, the lineup is from the exact same position as the market lineups, so why not use it while you’re at it.

Aim at the furthest top-left side of the left building and jump throw and that’s it! You can now take over B site.


CT-Side Smokes

The CTs on Mirage don’t need any kind of crazy lineups for smokes as they’re generally pretty simple to throw for holding off Ts.

But, here are a few recommendations:

  • A ramp smoke – A ramp smoke is essential if you want to hold down the A site as long as possible. But utilize other utility first like mollies and flashes to prevent Ts from rushing in.
  • A palace smoke – Getting into A site through palace while there is a smoke bloomed is practically impossible. So make sure to have palace smoked off as long as possible.
  • Connector smoke – if you have lost control mid and window is smoked off, drop a smoke on connector from A site to delay the T’s plans.
  • Top mid smoke – if you want to aggressively take control of mid, throw a cat smoke from window or connector, or throw it deep into top mid to block Ts and then do a two-man push to top mid. Be wary of underpass though!
  • B Apps smoke – as long as B apps is smoked off, T’s have no way of entering B except from short.


Adding these Mirage smoke lineups to your arsenal will completely change the outcome of your matches. You will be the ultimate Mirage teammate and you will be able to secure a lot more rounds as a T.

Just make sure to train your lineups on practice maps to ensure all of your smokes are consistent throughout the entire match. With such consistency, expect your Premier rating or FaceIt elo to jump!